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Gemini B AM
Part of MOL

Gemini B
Gemini B cross-section
Credit: McDonnell Douglas
American manned spacecraft module. Cancelled 1969. Adapter module for Gemini B, the engines serving as both abort motors during ascent to orbit and for retrofire on return to earth. Abort/deorbit propulsion.
AKA: Adapter Module. Status: Cancelled 1969. Gross mass: 1,868 kg (4,118 lb). Unfuelled mass: 1,718 kg (3,787 lb). Specific impulse: 255 s. Height: 1.56 m (5.11 ft). Diameter: 2.32 m (7.61 ft).
Changes to the Gemini adapter module included:
- A transition tunnel led from the hatch in the heat shield of the Gemini B to the MOL pressurized quarters.
- In the absence of the equipment module, the adapter module was longer in order to flare out to meet the 3.05 m diameter of the MOL.
- The OAMS maneuvering thrusters of the NASA Gemini were deleted. Spacecraft orientation in orbit was handled by the forward RCS thrusters.
- The number of solid propellant retrofire motors was increased from four to six. These served double-duty: for deorbit of the Gemini B and as abort rockets for separation of the Gemini from the enormous Titan 3M in case of launch vehicle failure.
Orbital Storage: 40 days. Spacecraft delta v: 140 m/s (450 ft/sec).
Manned spacecraft module,
Space station orbit.
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