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Fadeyev, Valentin Illarionovich
 Fadeyev |
Russian officer. Lieutenant General, Commander of the Baikonur Launch Centre, 1973-1979.
Born: 1922-02-17. Died: 1990-02-18. Birth Place: Samarkand.
Born into a family of army officers, he also entered the Red Army, graduating in July 1941 from artillery school. He saw extensive service in World War II, taking part in battles in Karelia, Byelorussia, Northern Caucasia and Konigsberg (Kaliningrad). After the end of the war he was commander of various units of the Red Army in Minsk, Lutsk (Western Ukraine), Omsk, and Saratov. He graduated from two higher military schools (the Frunze Military Academy and the Academy of General Staff). From 1973-1979 he was a commander of the Baikonur Launch Centre. Thereafter he taught at the Academy of General Staff in Moscow. Fadeyev retired in 1985 with the rank of Lieutenant General. He died 18 February 1990 in Moscow.
1922 February 17 - .
- Birth of Valentin Illarionovich Fadeyev - .
Nation: Russia.
Related Persons: Fadeyev.
Russian officer. Lieutenant General, Commander of the Baikonur Launch Centre, 1973-1979..
1990 February 18 - .
- Death of Valentin Illarionovich Fadeyev - .
Nation: Russia.
Related Persons: Fadeyev.
Russian officer. Lieutenant General, Commander of the Baikonur Launch Centre, 1973-1979..
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