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FRANCE satellite
 FRANCE 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
French earth ionosphere satellite. Investigated the properties of the ionized layers of the atmosphere by observation of the propagation of very low frequency waves in the ionosphere.
Status: Operational 1965. First Launch: 1965-12-06. Last Launch: 1965-12-06. Number: 1 . Gross mass: 60 kg (132 lb).
Ionosphere sat,
Medium earth orbit.
Launch Vehicles:
Scout X-4.
Launch Sites:
Vandenberg SLC5.
1965 December 6 - .
21:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vandenberg SLC5.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Scout X-4.
- FRANCE 1 - .
Payload: FR 1. Mass: 60 kg (132 lb). Nation: France.
Agency: CNES.
Class: Earth.
Type: Ionosphere satellite. Spacecraft: FRANCE satellite.
USAF Sat Cat: 1814 . COSPAR: 1965-101A. Apogee: 707 km (439 mi). Perigee: 696 km (432 mi). Inclination: 75.90 deg. Period: 98.80 min.
VLF wave propagation studies. Investigation of the properties of the ionized layers of the atmosphere by observation of the propagation of the properties of very low frequency waves in the ionosphere. First registered by the United States in A/AC.105/INF.125. Orbit given there was 99 .9 min, 749 x 753 km x 75.9 deg, with note: France provided the payload for 1965-101A.
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