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Gates, Thomas S
 Gates Credit: NASA |
American manager. Navy Undersecretary 1953-1957; Secretary of the Navy 1957-1959, Secretary of Defense from 1959-1961. Under his watch Polaris was developed by the Navy and innumerable DOD space programs were begun.
Born: 1906. Died: 1983-01-01.
Thomas S. Gates, Jr. was secretary of the Navy between 1957 and 1959, deputy secretary of defense in 1959, then secretary of defense from 1959-1961. Before that time, Gates had been undersecretary of the Navy, 1953-1957; director of the Scott Paper Co.; and on active duty with the Navy in World War II.
1983 January 1 - .
- Death of Thomas S Gates. - .
Related Persons: Gates.
American manager. Navy Undersecretary 1953-1957; Secretary of the Navy 1957-1959, Secretary of Defense from 1959-1961. Under his watch Polaris was developed by the Navy and innumerable DOD space programs were begun..
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