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Part of T310
 USA 158 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
American military communications satellite. USA 158. GeoLITE was a TRW T-310 class satellite with a mass of about 1800 kg, including a solid apogee motor. Communication (Experimental) satellite built by TRW for NRO, USA. Launched 2001. Used the
T310 bus.
Status: Operational 2001. First Launch: 2001-05-18. Last Launch: 2001-05-18. Number: 1 . Gross mass: 1,800 kg (3,900 lb).
The National Reconnaissance Office satellite carried an experimental laser communications payload and an operational UHF data relay payload.
More at: GeoLITE.
Military communications sat.
Launch Vehicles:
Delta 2 7000,
Delta 7925-9.5.
Launch Sites:
Cape Canaveral,
Cape Canaveral LC17B.
2001 May 18 - .
17:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC17B.
Launch Pad: SLC17B.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Delta 7925-9.5.
- USA 158 - .
Payload: GeoLITE. Mass: 93 kg (205 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: NRO.
Manufacturer: TRW.
Class: Communications.
Type: Military communications satellite. Spacecraft Bus: T310.
Spacecraft: GeoLITE.
USAF Sat Cat: 26770 . COSPAR: 2001-020A. Apogee: 35,700 km (22,100 mi). Perigee: 179 km (111 mi). Inclination: 19.50 deg. Period: 629.01 min.
Military Communications Technology flight. Launch delayed from March 1, April 25, May 2 and 17. GeoLITE, US National Reconnaissance Office spacecraft was into placed by the Delta launch vehicle into a geostationary transfer orbit. GeoLITE was a TRW T-310 class satellite with a mass of about 1800 kg, including a solid apogee motor. The satellite carried an experimental laser communications payload and an operational UHF data relay payload.
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