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Part of GIRD
 GIRD GIRD-X rocket Credit: © Mark Wade |
Russian sounding rocket. The first liquid propellant rocket launched in the Soviet Union, the GIRD-10 used liquid oxygen and alcohol propellants, pressure-fed to the combustion chamber by nitrogen gas.
Status: Cancelled 1939. Thrust: 686 N (154 lbf). Gross mass: 30 kg (66 lb). Height: 2.20 m (7.20 ft). Diameter: 0.40 m (1.31 ft). Span: 0.38 m (1.23 ft).
The Central Committee for the Study of Rocket Propulsion (GIRD) was established in the Soviet Union to develop rocket technology. They launched a series of liquid fuel rockets in the 1930's before many of them ended up in prison during Stalin's purges. Those that survived were released and built the Soviet space and missile programs on the basis of German technology after the war.
Early Rocketry.
Korolev bureau.
Photo Gallery
 | GIRD-10 Credit: © Mark Wade |
1933 November 25 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- GIRD-10 launch. - .
Nation: Russia.
Apogee: 0.0800 km (0.0497 mi). First Soviet liquid-propellant rocket. It reached 80 m altitude before the combustion chamber burned through..
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