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Goddard 2
Part of Goddard
 Goddard 20x Rocket Goddard scaled his first rocket up by 20x. It was a failure. |
American test vehicle. After several tests indicating the model was too small to permit refinements, Goddard decided to build a rocket twenty-fold larger. During 1926 a new tower was built, and flow regulators, multiple liquid injection into large combustion chambers, means for measurement of pressure and lifting force, electrically fired igniter, and turntable for rotation were developed.
Status: Out of production.
Early Rocketry,
test vehicle.
1926 May 5 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Goddard 2.
- Goddard turns to larger liquid propellant rockets. - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Goddard.
After several tests indicating the model was too small to permit refinements, Goddard decided to build a rocket twenty-fold larger. During 1926 a new tower was built, and flow regulators, multiple liquid injection into large combustion chambers, means for measurement of pressure and lifting force, electrically fired igniter, and turntable for rotation were developed.
1927 January 18 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Goddard 2.
- Attempt to launch Goddard large model rocket - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Goddard.
Goddard's large model rocket set up in tower for the first time. Rocket and turntable lifted several times in following months, but no flights were obtained with the large model..
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