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Gough, Melvin N
 Gough Credit: NASA |
American test pilot. At Langley from 1926. From 1943 director of flight research. Director of NASA activities at Cape Canaveral 1958-1960.
Born: 1906-06-15. Died: 1994-03-06.
Melvin N. Gough earned a B.S. in mechanical engineering from Johns Hopkins in 1926 and joined the wind tunnel staff of the Langley Aeronautical Laboratory. Taking a leave of absence, he learned to fly with the Navy at Pensacola and became an NACA test pilot in 1929. He logged more than 6,000 hours of flying time and flew more than 300 different airplanes under test conditions. In 1943 he became director of flight research activities at Langley. He was assigned in 1958 as director of NASA activities at the Atlantic Missile Range, Cape Canaveral, Florida. In 1960 he became director of the bureau of safety at the Civil Aeronautics Board. Two years later, he joined the FAA as director of the new aircraft development service. He retired in 1963.
1906 June 15 - .
- Birth of Melvin N Gough - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Gough.
American test pilot. At Langley from 1926. From 1943 director of flight research. Director of NASA activities at Cape Canaveral 1958-1960..
1994 March 6 - .
- Death of Melvin N Gough - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Gough.
American test pilot. At Langley from 1926. From 1943 director of flight research. Director of NASA activities at Cape Canaveral 1958-1960..
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