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Graciov, Alexis

L1 instrument module
The service module of the Soyuz 7K-L1 / Zond manned circumlunar spacecraft.
Credit: © Mark Wade
Russian phantom cosmonaut, alleged sender of a Morse code radio message from deep space received by the Judica-Cordiglia brothers on 1960.11.28. In fact Russia would not have a large enough booster for such a mission until 1968.
Died: 1960-11-28.
Readers Digest in April 1965 ran the story of sensational radio intercepts of the Judica-Cordiglia brothers at Torre Bert, Italy. On 28 November 1960 they claimed to have received the cryptic Morse code English message 'SOS to the entire world' from a stationary point in the sky. They concluded this was from a cosmonaut who had inadvertently rocketed into a translunar trajectory (well beyond Russian booster capability in 1960). The odd name Alexis Graciov was associated with this flight.
Phantom Cosmonaut.
1960 November 28 - .
- Death of Alexis Graciov. Reported killed in an orbital flight on 28 November 1960. - .
Nation: Russia.
Related Persons: Graciov.
Russian phantom cosmonaut, alleged sender of a morse code radio message from deep space received by the Judica-Cordiglia brothers on 1960.11.28. In fact Russia would not have a large enough booster for such a mission until 1968..
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