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Greer, Robert E
 Greer |
American officer. Major General, managed completion of development of the S-II second stage of the Saturn V.
Born: 1915-08-07. Died: 1976-02-11.
Born in Orange, California. Graduate of West Point, and later taught electronics there for ten years. Served on faculty at Air War College. Later worked under Bernard Schriever in development of America's first generation of ballistic missiles. Retired as Major General in Air Force; among his posts were Director of Special Projects, Deputy Commander for Satellite Programs, and Chief of Staff for Guided Missiles. Joined Rockwell's Space Division in 1965 as Assistant to President. In January 1966 succeeded William F Parker as chief of North American's division developing the S-II second stage of the Saturn V after complaints by General Phillips at NASA of lax management at the plant.
1915 August 7 - .
- Birth of Robert E Greer. - .
Related Persons: Greer.
American officer. Major General, managed completion of development of the S-II second stage of the Saturn V..
1976 February 11 - .
- Death of Robert E Greer. - .
Related Persons: Greer.
American officer. Major General, managed completion of development of the S-II second stage of the Saturn V..
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