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HARP 7-1
 HARP 7 inch Gun |
Canadian earth atmosphere suborbital probe. Flights from 1961. The original HARP 7-1 gun probe was fundamentally a scaled up version of the 5-1 gun probe and was used for similar payloads.
Status: Operational 1961. First Launch: 1968-04-12. Last Launch: 1969-07-25. Number: 15 . Gross mass: 27 kg (60 lb). Height: 1.64 m (5.38 ft). Span: 0.18 m (0.58 ft).
The 7-1 probe had a mean diameter of 91 mm, a length of 1640 mm, and a flight weight of 27.3 kg. The vehicle was launched at a velocity of 1650 m/s (5400 ft/sec) with a 50 kg (110 lb) charge of M17 propellant.
The 7-1 probe, although serviceable as an atmospheric tool, failed to reach its theoretical apogee in test flights. Although directly scaled from the 5-1 vehicle, it was not optimal for the 7 inch gun ballistics and was simply too heavy. A new vehicle was designed to take these factors into account and the 7-2 probe was created.
by Richard K Graf
Launch Vehicles:
7 inch HARP Gun.
Launch Sites:
Wallops Island LA2.
Photo Gallery
 | HARP 7 & 5 in probes From left to right: HARP 7-1, 7-2, 5-1, and 5-3. |
1968 April 12 - .
18:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island LA2.
Launch Vehicle:
HARP 7-1.
- Cesium package - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: BRL.
Apogee: 96 km (59 mi).
1968 April 17 - .
20:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island LA2.
Launch Vehicle:
HARP 7-1.
- Cesium package - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: BRL.
Apogee: 94 km (58 mi).
1968 September 11 - .
21:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island LA2.
Launch Vehicle:
HARP 7-1.
- Cesium package - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: BRL.
Apogee: 92 km (57 mi).
1968 September 11 - .
23:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island LA2.
Launch Vehicle:
HARP 7-1.
- Cesium package - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: BRL.
Apogee: 93 km (57 mi).
1968 September 12 - .
03:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island LA2.
Launch Vehicle:
HARP 7-1.
- Cesium package - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: BRL.
Apogee: 88 km (54 mi).
1969 February 14 - .
01:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island LA2.
Launch Vehicle:
HARP 7-1.
- Cesium package - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: BRL.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
1969 February 14 - .
03:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island LA2.
Launch Vehicle:
HARP 7-1.
- Cesium package - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: BRL.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
1969 February 14 - .
05:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island LA2.
Launch Vehicle:
HARP 7-1.
- Cesium package - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: BRL.
Apogee: 99 km (61 mi).
1969 February 14 - .
07:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island LA2.
Launch Vehicle:
HARP 7-1.
- Cesium package - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: BRL.
Apogee: 97 km (60 mi).
1969 February 14 - .
09:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island LA2.
Launch Vehicle:
HARP 7-1.
- Cesium package - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: BRL.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
1969 February 14 - .
11:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island LA2.
Launch Vehicle:
HARP 7-1.
- Cesium package - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: BRL.
Apogee: 103 km (64 mi).
1969 June 3 - .
17:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island LA2.
Launch Vehicle:
HARP 7-1.
- Cesium package - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: BRL.
Apogee: 102 km (63 mi).
1969 July 18 - .
17:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island LA2.
Launch Vehicle:
HARP 7-1.
- Cesium package - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: BRL.
Apogee: 95 km (59 mi).
1969 July 23 - .
22:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island LA2.
Launch Vehicle:
HARP 7-1.
- Cesium package - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: BRL.
Apogee: 99 km (61 mi).
1969 July 25 - .
10:19 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island LA2.
Launch Vehicle:
HARP 7-1.
- Cesium package - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: BRL.
Apogee: 92 km (57 mi).
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