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Heinlein, Robert A
 Heinlein Credit: NASA |
Leading American writer of technical science fiction, inspired many engineers that would later make space travel a reality. Major corporations, the military, and nuclear power were key aspects of the colonization of space in his stories.
Born: 1907-07-07. Died: 1988-05-01.
Robert A. Heinlein was a well-known science fiction author who began publishing stories before World War II and continued a celebrated career until his death. He was the premier author of a technically-oriented type of science fiction, often in juvenile stories, which inspired many of the younger engineers that would make lunar travel possible in the 1960's. In these stories major corporations, militaristic organizations, and nuclear power were the key aspects of the colonization of space. Works of this type included The Man Who Sold the Moon, The Green Hills of Earth, Rocket Ship Galileo, and Have Space Suit -- Will Travel.
1907 July 7 - .
- Birth of Robert A Heinlein - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Heinlein.
Leading American writer of technical science fiction, inspired many engineers that would later make space travel a reality. Major corporations, the military, and nuclear power were key aspects of the colonization of space in his stories..
1988 May 1 - .
- Death of Robert A Heinlein - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Heinlein.
Leading American writer of technical science fiction, inspired many engineers that would later make space travel a reality. Major corporations, the military, and nuclear power were key aspects of the colonization of space in his stories..
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