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Houbolt, John C
 Houbolt |
American engineer, at NASA 1945-1985. Promoted the lunar orbit rendezvous strategy used for the Apollo lunar landing.
Born: 1919-04-10. Died: 2014-04-15. Birth Place: Altoona, Iowa.
After receiving a master's degree in engineering from the University of Illinois in 1942, Houbolt began working for NACA's Langley Research Center. He worked there until retirement in 1985. In the USA.
Bibliography: 4472,
1919 April 10 - .
- Birth of John C Houbolt - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Houbolt.
American engineer, at NASA 1945-1985. Claimed to have discovered bur certainly promoted the lunar orbit rendezvous strategy used for Apollo..
1960 April 5 - .
2014 April 15 - .
- Death of John C Houbolt. - .
Related Persons: Houbolt.
American engineer, at NASA 1945-1985. Promoted the lunar orbit rendezvous strategy used for the Apollo lunar landing..
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