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Johnson, Clarence L 'Kelly'
 Johnson Kelly |
American engineer, at Lockheed 1933-1975, headed 'Skunk Works' design shop, responsible for F-80, F-104, Suntan, U-2,, and SR-71 designs among many others.
Born: 1910-02-27. Died: 1990-12-21.
Clarence L. (Kelly) Johnson (1910-1990) was one of the foremost aircraft designers in the United States. As the head of the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation's famous "Skunk Works" design center, he headed the effort to build the U-2 reconnaissance aircraft in the 1950s. He also worked on the F-80 "Shooting Star," the first U.S. jet aircraft, and the SR-71 "Blackbird" reconnaissance plane that still holds speed records. During World War II he was also responsible for the design of the P-38 twin-tailed fighter, "Lightning." He worked for Lockheed from 1933 until his retirement as senior vice president in 1975.
1910 February 27 - .
- Birth of Clarence L 'Kelly' Johnson - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Johnson, Kelly.
American engineer, at Lockheed 1933-1975, headed 'Skunk Works' design shop, responsible for F-80, F-104, Suntan, U-2,, and SR-71 designs among many others..
1990 December 21 - .
- Death of Clarence L 'Kelly' Johnson - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Johnson, Kelly.
American engineer, at Lockheed 1933-1975, headed 'Skunk Works' design shop, responsible for F-80, F-104, Suntan, U-2,, and SR-71 designs among many others..
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