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Killian, James R
 Killian Credit: NASA |
American scientist, president of MIT 1949-1965, served as Eisenhower's science advisor 1957-1959 in order to establish a national response to the Sputnik launch by the Soviet Union.
Born: 1904. Died: 1988-01-01.
James R. Killian, Jr., was president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology between 1949 and 1959, on leave between November 1957 and July 1959 when he served as the first presidential science advisor. President Dwight D. Eisenhower established the President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC), which Killian chaired, following the Sputnik crisis. After leaving the White House staff in 1959, Killian continued his work at MIT but in 1965 began working with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to develop public television.
1988 January 1 - .
- Death of James R Killian. - .
Related Persons: Killian.
American scientist, president of MIT 1949-1965, served as Eisenhower's science advisor 1957-1959 in order to establish a national response to the Sputnik launch by the Soviet Union..
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