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Kuznetsov, Mikhail Fedorovich
 Kuznetsov M F |
Russian officer, Chief of third directorate of GUKOS 1970-1977. Forward air controller on Western Front in WW2. Entered Third Directorate GURVO in October 1960. Made great improvements in KIK space tracking system during his tenure.
Born: 1920. Died: 1979-01-01.
1979 January 1 - .
- Death of Mikhail Fedorovich Kuznetsov. - .
Related Persons: Kuznetsov, M F.
Russian officer, Chief of third directorate of GUKOS 1970-1977. Forward air controller on Western Front in WW2. Entered Third Directorate GURVO in October 1960. Made great improvements in KIK space tracking system during his tenure..
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