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Part of X-Prize
 LB-X |
American manned spaceplane. Study 2004. X-Prize suborbital spaceplane concept of Kelly Space & Technology, San Bernardino, California.
Status: Study 2004.
LB-X was designed by a team led by Michael Gallo of Kelly Space & Technology, San Bernardino, California. In common with other Kelly proposals, the vehicle would be air towed to launch by a 747, accelerate to outer space, then make a horizontal glide landing at any conventional runway. The vehicle was a rocket-powered delta wing glider with a liquid oxygen and kerosene liquid rocket engine. However Kelly, after conducting tow tests with an F-106 fighter, was unable to raise enough funds for development of either the LB-X or their Astroliner orbital vehicle.
America's Space Prize,
1998 February 1 - .
- Kelly demonstrates towing. - .
Nation: USA.
Program: X-Prize.
Spacecraft Bus: X-Prize.
Spacecraft: LB-X.
Kelly Space & Technology (San Bernardino, CA, USA) successfully demonstrates vehicle
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