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 LDREX Credit: Manufacturer Image |
Japanese communications technology satellite. Japan's NASDA space agency sponsored the LDREX experimental antenna. Engineering Test satellite built by NEC Toshiba Space Systems for NASDA, Japan. Launched 2000 - 2006.
Status: Operational 2000. First Launch: 2000-12-20. Last Launch: 2006-10-13. Number: 2 . Gross mass: 140 kg (300 lb).
Ariane V138's EPS upper stage carried an ASAP5 small payload attachment ring with a special camera system. LDREX was a 6-m diameter antenna which was to have deployed 40 minutes after launch, to test the deployment mechanism for the larger antenna to be used on the ETS-8 satellite. After the test the antenna was to have been jettisoned. However the experiment failed and no deployment or jettison took place.
More at: LDREX.
Communications technology sat,
Launch Vehicles:
Ariane 5,
Ariane 5G,
Ariane 5ECA.
Launch Sites:
Kourou ELA3.
Photo Gallery
 | LDREX Credit: Manufacturer Image |
2000 December 20 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kourou ELA3.
LV Family:
Ariane 5.
Launch Vehicle:
Ariane 5G.
- LDREX - .
Mass: 1,414 kg (3,117 lb). Nation: Japan.
Agency: NASDA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: LDREX.
Decay Date: 2010-03-21 . USAF Sat Cat: 26640 . COSPAR: 2000-081C. Apogee: 30,257 km (18,800 mi). Perigee: 241 km (149 mi). Inclination: 2.40 deg. Period: 527.50 min.
Ariane V138's EPS upper stage carried an ASAP5 small payload attachment ring with a special camera system and the LDREX experimental antenna for Japan's NASDA space agency. LDREX (Large-scale Deployable Reflector EXperiment) was a 6-m diameter antenna which was to have deployed 40 minutes after launch, to test the deployment mechanism for the larger antenna to be used on the ETS-8 satellite. After the test the antenna was to have been jettisoned. However the experiment failed and no deployment or jettison took place.
2006 October 13 - .
20:56 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kourou ELA3.
LV Family:
Ariane 5.
Launch Vehicle:
Ariane 5ECA.
- LDREX 2 - .
Nation: Japan.
Agency: JAXA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: LDREX.
Decay Date: 2010-09-30 . USAF Sat Cat: 29496 . COSPAR: 2006-043C. Apogee: 26,980 km (16,760 mi). Perigee: 227 km (141 mi). Inclination: 7.20 deg. Period: 468.50 min. LDREX-2 was attached to the upper stage. It deployed a 6.5-meter antenna design planned for the later ETS-8 satellite.
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