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Ledovskiy, Aleksei
 Suborbital Russian |
Russian phantom cosmonaut. In 1959 Italian news reported a series of cosmonaut deaths on suborbital flights, among these Ledovskiy. No historical evidence ever emerged of any Soviet suborbital flights.
Died: 1957-11-01.
In December 1959, the Italian news agency Continentale reported that a series of cosmonaut deaths on suborbital flights had been revealed by a high-ranking Czech communist. Among these were Ledovsky, said to have perished in 1957. In fact Soviet Chief Designer did in 1956 contemplate manned suborbital flights atop his R-5A rocket. But the decision was made to proceed directly to manned orbital flights using the Vostok spacecraft. The R-5A did make some suborbital flights. Some were made with biological payloads, beginning on 27 August 1958 with the dogs Belyanka and Pestraya. But the payload compartment for these flights was much too narrow for a human passenger.
Phantom Cosmonaut.
1957 November 1 - .
- Death of Aleksei Ledovskiy. Reported killed in a sub-orbital flight in November 1957. - .
Nation: Russia.
Related Persons: Ledovskiy.
Russian phantom cosmonaut. In 1959 Italian news reported a series of cosmonaut deaths on suborbital flights, among these Ledovskiy. No historical evidence ever emerged of any Soviet suborbital flights..
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