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Ling Qiao
 Ling Qiao Credit: Manufacturer Image |
Smart Communications Test Satellite, a joint venture of Tsinghua University and Xinwei Telecom, for tests of multimedia data transmission, in a sun syncronous orbit with 06:30 local time of descending node.
Status: Operational 2014. First Launch: 2014-09-04. Last Launch: 2014-09-04. Number: 1 . Gross mass: 135 kg (297 lb). Apogee: 809 km (502 mi).
| Ling Qiao (LQ) Communication satellite for Tsinghua University, Beijing Xinwei Telecom Technology Co., China. Launched 2014. |
Launch Vehicles:
Chang Zheng 2D.
2014 September 4 - .
00:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Chang Zheng 2D.
- Ling Qiao - .
Mass: 135 kg (297 lb). Nation: China.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Ling Qiao.
USAF Sat Cat: 40136 . COSPAR: 2014-051A. Apogee: 809 km (502 mi). Perigee: 777 km (482 mi). Inclination: 98.45 deg. Period: 100.73 min. Smart Communications Test Satellite, a joint venture of Tsinghua University and Xinwei Telecom, for tests of multimedia data transmission, in a sun syncronous orbit with 06:30 local time of descending node..
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