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Martin, Richard
 Martin Richard Credit: via Richard Martin |
American engineer. Structural dynamicist for all versions of the Atlas.
Born: 1928-11-01. Birth Place: Davenport, Iowa.
After graduating from the University of Illinois, Martin joined Convair in 1950 as the first structural dynamicist on the Atlas project. He worked on all versions of Atlas, from the MX-1593 of 1953 through the Atlas IIAS of 1993. He retired in 1994, but continued as a consultant, doing critical analytical work on using the Russian RD-180 engine with the Atlas. This proved the viability of what became the Atlas III and Atlas V space launch vehicles.
1928 November 1 - .
- Birth of Richard Martin - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Martin, Richard.
American engineer. Structural dynamicist for all versions of the Atlas..
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