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McDonald, Frank B
 McDonald Credit: NASA |
American scientist, at NASA 1959-1989. Served as project scientist on nine NASA satellite programs, NASA Chief Scientist 1982-1987.
Born: 1925-05-28. Died: 2012-08-31.
Frank B. McDonald began a career with NASA in 1959 as head of the Energetic Particles Branch in the Space Science Division at Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland. Thereafter he served as project scientist on nine NASA satellite programs. In 1982 he became NASA Chief Scientist, serving until 1987 when he returned to Goddard as associate director/chief scientist. He retired from Goddard in 1989 and joined the Institute for Physical Science and Technology at the University of Maryland where he was a Senior Research Scientist until his death.
1925 May 28 - .
- Birth of Frank B McDonald. - .
Related Persons: McDonald.
American scientist, at NASA 1959-1989. Served as project scientist on nine NASA satellite programs, NASA Chief Scientist 1982-1987..
2012 August 31 - .
- Death of Frank B McDonald. - .
Related Persons: McDonald.
American scientist, at NASA 1959-1989. Served as project scientist on nine NASA satellite programs, NASA Chief Scientist 1982-1987..
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