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McElroy, Neil H
 McElroy Credit: NASA |
American manager, secretary of defense 1957-1959.
Born: 1904-10-30. Died: 1972-11-01.
Neil H. McElroy became secretary of defense in 1957 and served through 1959. He had previously been president of Procter & Gamble and returned there in December 1959 to become chair of the board. He served in that position until October 1972, a month before his death.
1904 October 30 - .
- Birth of Neil H McElroy - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: McElroy.
American manager, secretary of defense 1957-1959..
1957 October 5 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Jupiter C.
- Von Braun promises first US satellite in 60 days. - .
Payload: Explorer A. Nation: USA.
Related Persons: McElroy,
von Braun.
Program: Explorer.
Class: Earth.
Type: Magnetosphere satellite. Spacecraft Bus: Explorer.
Spacecraft: Explorer A.
Von Braun briefs Secretary of Defence McElroy on Jupiter-C/Redstone for immediate US satellite launch. Promises launch in 60 days. Medaris says 90..
1957 November 8 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Jupiter C.
- Von Braun ordered to launch satellite. - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: McElroy,
von Braun.
Program: Explorer.
Secretary of Defense Neil McElroy directed the Army to proceed with the launching of the Explorer earth satellites. This order, in effect, resumed the Orbiter project that had been eliminated from the IGY satellite planning program on September 9, 1955. Von Braun was to modify two Jupiter-C missiles (modified Redstones) and attempt to place an artificial earth satellite in orbit by March 58.
1957 November 15 - .
- Holaday named Director of Guided Missiles. - .
Related Persons: ,
Mr. William A. Holaday, Special Assistant for Guided Missiles, OSD, was named Director of Guided Missiles by the newly appointed (9 October) Secretary of Defense, Neil H. McElroy. As Director of Guided Missiles, Mr. Holaday was to direct all Defense Department activities related to guided missile research, development, engineering, production, and procurement.
1958 February 1 - .
LV Family:
- Thor missiles to boost test satellites into orbit before the end of the year. - .
Related Persons: ,
Secretary of the Air Force James H. Douglas urged Secretary of Defense Neil H. McElroy to approve Air Force use of Thor missiles to boost test satellites into orbit before the end of the year..
1958 February 7 - .
1958 February 27 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Minuteman 1A.
- Minuteman development approved. - .
Related Persons: ,
Secretary of Defense Neil H. McElroy approved Air Force research and development efforts for the three-stage, solid-propellant Minuteman ICBM..
1958 March 27 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- ARPA assigned space project role. - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Eisenhower,
President Eisenhower gave his approval to the plans for outer space exploration announced by Secretary of Defense Neil H. McElroy. The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) was to undertake several space projects including the launching of certain earth satellites and five space probes as a part of this country's contribution to the IGY program. The Air Force Ballistic Missile Division was authorized by ARPA to carry out three lunar probes with a Thor-Vanguard system, and lunar probes utilizing the Jupiter-C rocket were assigned to the Army Ballistic Missile Agency.
1958 June 30 - .
- ARPA responsibie for development of WS 117. - .
Related Persons: ,
Spacecraft: WS-117.
AFBMD was notified that the Secretary of Defense Neil H. McElroy had given ARPA responsibility for development of the military satellite system (WS 117L)..
1959 September 18 - .
- Midas and Samos transferred. - .
Related Persons: ,
Spacecraft: WS-117,
Headquarters USAF notified AFBMD that the Secretary of Defense, Neil H. McElroy, approved the transfer of MIDAS (Missile Detection Alarm System) and SAMOS (Satellite and Missile Observation System..
1959 October 21 - .
- Assignment of the MIDAS and SAMOS programs to the Air Force - .
Related Persons: ,
Spacecraft: WS-117,
Secretary of Defense Neil H. McElroy officially approved assignment of the MIDAS and SAMOS programs to the Air Force and ARDC..
1972 November 1 - .
- Death of Neil H McElroy at Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH. - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: McElroy.
American manager, secretary of defense 1957-1959..
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