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Mercury-Jupiter 2 (MJ-2)
Part of Mercury
 Mercury Credit: Manufacturer Image |
Planned manned Mercury long-range suborbital flights using the Jupiter IRBM as a booster. These were considered as an intermediary step in the Mercury program before use of the Jupiter booster in the program was cancelled in July 1959 on cost grounds.
AKA: MJ-2. Launched: End 1961. Number crew: 1 .
In the January 1959 Mercury program plan, flights of the capsule on a Jupiter IRBM were to take place in addition to flights atop the Redstone and Atlas boosters. The second Mercury-Jupiter flight was planned as a maximum dynamic pressure test to qualify a production Mercury capsule with a chimpanzee aboard. A human astronaut was considered briefly before the Mercury-Jupiter flights were cancelled in July 1959 on cost grounds. Mercury-Jupiter 2 was slated to fly in 1960. In the event the Mercury-Redstone flights were a year behind schedule and NASA moved on to the Mercury-Atlas flights in July 1961.
First quarter 1960 - .
- Mercury-Jupiter 2 (MJ-2) (cancelled) - .
Nation: USA.
Flight: Mercury-Jupiter 2 (MJ-2).
Spacecraft: Mercury.
In the January 1959 Mercury program plan, flights of the capsule on a Jupiter IRBM were to take place in addition to flights atop the Redstone and Atlas boosters. The Mercury-Jupiter flights were cancelled in July 1959 on cost grounds..
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