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Mercury ELINT
 APMTE Hughes Credit: Hughes |
American electronic intelligence satellite. Class of heavy signals intelligence satellites introduced at the end of the 1990's.
Status: Operational 1994. First Launch: 1994-08-27. Last Launch: 2014-04-10. Number: 4 .
More at: Mercury-fo.
Geosynchronous orbit,
Launch Vehicles:
Titan 4,
Titan 401A/Centaur,
Atlas V,
Atlas V 541.
Launch Sites:
Cape Canaveral,
Cape Canaveral LC41.
1994 August 27 - .
08:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC41.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Titan 401A/Centaur.
- USA 105 - .
Payload: Mercury ELINT 1. Nation: USA.
Agency: NRO,
Class: Surveillance.
Type: SIGINT. Spacecraft: Mercury ELINT.
USAF Sat Cat: 23223 . COSPAR: 1994-054A. Apogee: 35,790 km (22,230 mi). Perigee: 35,780 km (22,230 mi). Inclination: 0.00 deg. Period: 1,436.10 min. First launch of Mercury ELINT satellite..
1996 April 24 - .
23:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC41.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Titan 401A/Centaur.
- USA 118 - .
Payload: Mercury ELINT 2. Nation: USA.
Agency: NRO,
Class: Surveillance.
Type: SIGINT. Spacecraft: Mercury ELINT.
USAF Sat Cat: 23855 . COSPAR: 1996-026A. Apogee: 35,790 km (22,230 mi). Perigee: 35,780 km (22,230 mi). Inclination: 0.00 deg. Period: 1,436.00 min. Second launch of Mercury ELINT satellite..
1998 August 12 - .
11:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC41.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Titan 401A/Centaur.
FAILURE: Due to guidance system loss of heading after power interrupt, booster pitched over 40 seconds after launch, and was destroyed by range safety..
Failed Stage: G.
- Mercury ELINT - .
Payload: Mercury ELINT 3. Nation: USA.
Agency: NRO,
Manufacturer: TRW.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: SIGINT. Spacecraft: Mercury ELINT.
Third launch of Mercury ELINT satellite..
2014 April 10 - .
17:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC41.
Launch Pad: SLC41.
LV Family:
Atlas V.
Launch Vehicle:
Atlas V 541.
- USA 250 - .
Payload: NROL-67. Mass: 3,600 kg (7,900 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: SIGINT. Spacecraft: Mercury ELINT.
USAF Sat Cat: 39652 . COSPAR: 2014-020A. Apogee: 35,790 km (22,230 mi). Perigee: 35,780 km (22,230 mi). Inclination: 0.00 deg. Period: 1,436.00 min. It appeared likely that the Centaur stage made three burns to deploy the USA 250 payload in geosynchronous orbit. The payload was suspected to be a large NRO signals intelligence satellite..
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