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Part of Meteor

Meteor satellite. Meteor-M and Meteor-Priroda were similar.
New-generation Russian weather satellite, successor to the Meteor-3M, with new electronics and designed for launch by the Soyuz ST launch vehicle rather than the discontinued Tsiklon-3 and non-Russian Zenit-2. Meteorology satellite built by NPP VNIIEM, Russia. Launched 2009 - 2014.
Status: Operational 2009. First Launch: 2009-09-17. Last Launch: 2009-09-17. Number: 1 . Gross mass: 2,700 kg (5,900 lb).
A series of three satellites was planned to revitalize Russian independent weather-forecasting capabilities, but the first one encountered severe technical problems.
More at: Meteor-M.
Earth weathersat,
Medium earth orbit.
Launch Vehicles:
Soyuz ST / Fregat ST.
Launch Sites:
Baikonur LC1,
Baikonur LC31.
Photo Gallery
 | Meteor-M Credit: Manufacturer Image |
2009 September 17 - .
15:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Baikonur LC31.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Meteor-M - .
Mass: 2,700 kg (5,900 lb). Nation: Russia.
Agency: RKA.
Class: Earth.
Type: Weather satellite. Spacecraft Bus: Meteor.
Spacecraft: Meteor-M.
USAF Sat Cat: 35865 . COSPAR: 2009-049A. Apogee: 820 km (500 mi). Perigee: 818 km (508 mi). Inclination: 98.80 deg. Period: 101.30 min.
First Meteor-M satellite. This replaced the Meteor-3M satellite, with new generation weather instruments. Plagued with problems: the infrared sensor cooling broke down, an antenna did not deploy properly, camera mirrors were degraded by vibration, imagery was not delivered in a usable rectified format.
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