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Military naval signals reconnsat
Category of spacecraft.
 | GRAB First American military signals intelligence satellite, launched 1960-1962; not declassified until 1998. ELINT, Research satellite built by Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) for Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) / US Navy, USA. Launched 1960 - 1962. |
 | Ferret American military signals intelligence satellite. |
 | SSF American military signals intelligence satellite. ELINT satellite built by Lockheed for USAF, USA. Launched 1963 - 1964. Used P-11 bus. |
 | Tselina-O Ukrainian ELINT satellite. From 1965 to 1967 two dedicated ELINT systems were tested by the Soviet Union: Tselina and US. Both were routinely operated. ELINT satellite built by Yuzhnoye (prime), TsNII-108 GKRE (payload), Russia. Launched 1967 - 1982. |
| Canyon American military signals intelligence satellite. The first large US signals intelligence satellite. ELINT satellite built by Lockheed for NRO, USA. Launched 1968 - 1977. |
| Rhyolite American military signals intelligence satellite. ELINT satellite built by TRW, E-Systems for USAF, USA. Launched 1970 - 1978. |
 | Tselina-D Ukrainian military signals intelligence satellite. The Tselina D was the detailed observation portion of the two-satellite Tselina ELINT satellite system. ELINT satellite built by Yuzhnoye (prime), TsNII-108 GKRE (payload), Russia. Launched 1970 - 1994. |
 | Tselina-OM Ukrainian military signals intelligence satellite. Study 1970. Improved version of Tselina-O. Either not put into production or later launches listed as Tselina-O were actually of Tselina-OM model. Navigation / Communication satellite built by NPO Prikladnoi Mekhaniki (NPO PM), Russia. Launched 1967 - 1978. Used KAUR-1 bus. |
| Jumpseat American military signals intelligence satellite. Jumpseat signals intelligence satellites were launched by Titan 3B or 34B into highly elliptic Molniya-type orbits. ELINT satellite built by Hughes for USAF, USA. Launched 1971 - 1983. Used HS-318 bus. |
 | NOSS US Navy Ocean Surveillance Satellite to track and surveil ships at sea worldwide. Built by Naval Research Laboratory (#1, 2); Martin Marietta (#3 - 9). Launched 1976 - 1987. |
 | US-P Russian military naval signals reconnaissance satellite. The US-P (later known as RTR) was a solar powered EORSAT (Electronic Ocean Reconnaissance Satellite). Ocean surveillance, passive satellite, Russia. Launched 1974 - 1991. Used US-Bus. |
 | NOSS-Subsat American military naval signals reconnaissance satellite. Detected the location of naval vessels using radio interferometry. Ocean Surveillance Launch Dispenser satellite built by Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) (#1, 2); (#3 - 9) for, USA. Launched 1976 - 1987. |
| Chalet American military signals intelligence satellite. Geosynchronous orbit signals intelligence satellite series that replaced Canyon. Also called Program 366 and Vortex. ELINT satellite built by E-Systems for NRO, USA. Launched 1978 - 1989. |
 | Tselina-2 Ukrainian military signals intelligence satellite. ELINT satellite built by KB Yuzhnoye (bus), TsNIRTI Minradioprom (ELINT payload), Russia. Launched 1984 - 2007. |
| Magnum American military signals intelligence satellite. Shuttle-launched geostationary ELINT satellite model that replaced Rhyolite/Aquacade. ELINT satellite built by TRW for USAF, USA. Launched 1985 - 1989. |
| Singleton American military naval signals reconnaissance satellite. Signals intelligence satellite; possibly some kind of imaging also done. On-board propulsion boosts spacecraft to 800 km operating orbit. |
 | Pirs-2 Russian military naval radar satellite. Cancelled 1988. The Pirs-2 was the second phase nuclear-powered active-radar naval targeting spacecraft. |
| NOSS-2 American military naval signals reconnaissance satellite. 5 launches, 1990.06.08 (USA 59) to 1996.05.12 (USA 122). New generation of NOSS naval reconnaissance satellites. Ocean Surveillance satellite built by Lockheed, Martin Marietta for NRO, US Navy, USA. Launched 1990 - 1996. |
| NOSS-2 subsatellite American military naval signals reconnaissance satellite. 6 launches, 1990.06.08 (USA 60) to 1991.11.08 (USA 77). |
| Tselina-3 Ukrainian military signals intelligence satellite. Cancelled in the early 1990s. The Tselina-3 third generation two-tier ELINT satellite system was developed in parallel with Tselina-2. |
 | US-PU Ukrainian military naval signals reconnaissance satellite. Ocean surveillance, passive satellite, Russia. Launched 1993 - 2006. Used US-Bus. |
| Trumpet American military signals intelligence satellite. 3 launches, 1994.05.03 (USA 103) to 1997.11.08 (USA 136). ELINT satellite built by Boeing for USAF, USA. Launched 1994 - 1997. |
 | Mercury ELINT American electronic intelligence satellite. Class of heavy signals intelligence satellites introduced at the end of the 1990's. |
| Advanced Orion American military signals intelligence satellite. Highly classified. |
| NOSS-3 American military naval signals reconnaissance satellite. Operational, first launch 2001.09.08. Ocean Surveillance satellite built by Lockheed Martin for US Navy, USA. Launched 2001 - 2017. |
 | SJ-6 Chinese military surveillance satellite constellation. Each launch was said to consist of a primary satellite using the CAST968 bus and a subsatellite built by SAST Shanghai. Five pairs were launched from ?Taiyuan by the CZ-4B launch vehicle into 590 km, 97.7 deg inclination sun synchronous orbits from 2009. Reported to carry systems for optically tracking satellites in orbit. In 2013 SJ-15 was launched from Jiuquan, and SJ-16 from Taiyuan, in very similar but slightly different orbits. These may have been the successor system. |
| Jumpseat-2 American military signals intelligence satellite. 2 launches, 2006.06.25 (USA 200) to 2008.03.13 (USA 200). |
Projects: EORSAT.
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