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 Minisat-01 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
Spanish technology satellite. The Minisat spacecraft were built for the Spanish space Agency by CASA. Experimental satellite built by CASA for INTA, Spain. Launched 1997. Used Minisat-0 Bus.
Status: Operational 1997. First Launch: 1997-04-21. Last Launch: 1997-04-21. Number: 1 . Gross mass: 209 kg (460 lb).
The first series were Minisat-0 technology satellites, to be followed by Minisat-1 observation satellites and Minisat-2 communications satellites. The Minisat-01 carried the EURD extreme ultraviolet spectrograph to study interstellar gas, the LEGRI gamma ray burst detector, and the CPLM microacceleration in liquids experiment.
More at: Minisat.
Medium earth orbit,
Technology satellite.
Launch Vehicles:
Pegasus XL.
Launch Sites:
Gran Canaria DZ.
1997 April 21 - .
11:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Gran Canaria DZ.
Launch Pad: 27.0 N x 15.3 W.
Launch Platform: L-1011.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Pegasus XL.
- Minisat-01 - .
Mass: 209 kg (460 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: INTA.
Manufacturer: CASA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Minisat.
Decay Date: 2002-02-26 . USAF Sat Cat: 24779 . COSPAR: 1997-018A. Apogee: 580 km (360 mi). Perigee: 561 km (348 mi). Inclination: 151.00 deg. Period: 96.00 min. Minisat-01 carried the EURD extreme ultraviolet spectrograph to study interstellar gas, the LEGRI gamma ray burst detector, and the CPLM microacceleration in liquids experiment. Air dropped in Gran Canaria DZ..
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