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Mitkov, Andrei
 Suborbital Russian |
Russian phantom cosmonaut. In 1959 Italian news reported a series of cosmonaut deaths on suborbital flights, among these Mitkov. No historical evidence ever emerged of any Soviet suborbital flights.
Died: 1959-01-01.
In December 1959, the Italian news agency Continentale reported that a series of cosmonaut deaths on suborbital flights had been revealed by a high-ranking Czech communist. Among these were Mitkov, said to have perished in 1959. No other evidence of Soviet suborbital manned flights ever came to light.
Phantom Cosmonaut.
1959 January 1 - .
- Death of Andrei Mitkov. - .
Related Persons: Mitkov.
Russian phantom cosmonaut. In 1959 Italian news reported a series of cosmonaut deaths on suborbital flights, among these Mitkov. No historical evidence ever emerged of any Soviet suborbital flights..
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