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 MKR |
Russian intercontinental cruise missile. A wide range of MKR (intercontinental winged missiles) were studied in 1957-1960 in accordance with a decree of the General Staff. The trade-off studies encompassed long-range air-breathing aircraft, winged rockets, and aircraft launchers for air-breathing missiles.
Status: Study 1957.
A large number of institutes and design bureaus participated in the studies, including Mozhaiskiy, Zhukovskiy, KVVO, NII-VVS, NII-88, TsAGI, NII-1, OKB-470, OKB-23, and so on. All aspects of the problem and potential applications were studied, including long range guidance, long range anti-aircraft systems, mobile systems, naval interdiction, and anti-aircraft and anti-ballistic missile designs. Many variants were considered, of which one is shown here (representing a staged air-breathing/rocket-propelled system).
Chelomei bureau.
1950 January 1 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Design of 8,000 km range winged missile begun - .
Nation: Russia.
Related Persons: Korolev.
Program: Navaho.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. In parallel with the R-5 Korolev OKB NII-88 begins design of 8,000 km range winged missile..
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