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Nepobedimiy, Sergei Pavlovich
 Nepobedimiy |
Russian Chief Designer of the Kolomna Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau.1965-1989, specialized in surface-to-air, tactical ballistic, and anti-tank missiles. Designed the world's only air-augmented ICBM, the Gnom, in the early 1960's.
Born: 1921-09-13. Died: 2014-04-11.
Chief Designer of the Kolomna Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (1965-1989), specializing in solid propellant missiles and reactive armor. Born in Ryazan, he graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University in 1945 and was directed to the work at SKB-101 (KBM, currently FSUE «KB Mashinostroyeniya») of Boris Ivanovich Shavirin. He was the principal designer of the anti-tank missiles Shmel (1960), Malyutka (1963) and Malyutka-P (1969); the air-to-air missiles Strela-2 (1968), Strela-2M (1970), Strela-3 (1974)' man-portable surface-to-air missiles Igla; the supersonic anti-tank missile Sturm-B» for helicopters 1976) and Sturm-C for the ground vehicles (1978), and Ataka and Khrizantema upgrades.
He was responsible for the tactical rocket Tochka 1975), Tochka-U (1988), and Oka(1980). He initiated design work on the Iskander missile in December 1988. In 1989 Nepobedimy stepped down as Chief Designer and retired from KBM. From 1990 until his death he worked in the Moscow Central Scientific Research Institute of Automatics and Hydraulics. He was the author of more than 350 scientific works and patents.
1921 September 13 - .
- Birth of Sergei Pavlovich Nepobedimiy. - .
Related Persons: Nepobedimiy.
Russian Chief Designer of the Kolomna Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau.1965-1989, specialized in surface-to-air, tactical ballistic, and anti-tank missiles. Designed the world's only air-augmented ICBM, the Gnom, in the early 1960's..
2014 April 11 - .
- Death of Sergei Pavlovich Nepobedimiy. - .
Related Persons: Nepobedimiy.
Russian Chief Designer of the Kolomna Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau.1965-1989, specialized in surface-to-air, tactical ballistic, and anti-tank missiles. Designed the world's only air-augmented ICBM, the Gnom, in the early 1960's..
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