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 Nike Iroquois Credit: via Andreas Parsch |
American sounding rocket. Single stage vehicles consisting first of just the Nike booster were initially fired in the course of development of the Nike-Ajax surface-to-air missile. Later it was used occasionally as a sounding rocket, but much more often as the boost stage of a multi-stage sounding rocket.
Status: Retired 1983. First Launch: 1953-10-23. Last Launch: 1977-11-19. Number: 240 . Payload: 70 kg (154 lb). Thrust: 217.00 kN (48,783 lbf). Gross mass: 709 kg (1,563 lb). Height: 6.01 m (19.71 ft). Diameter: 0.42 m (1.37 ft). Span: 1.52 m (4.98 ft). Apogee: 23 km (14 mi).
One notable variant of the Nike in its sounding-rocket form was NASA's Nike Smoke. This consisted of a separable ten degree nose cone filled with titanium tetrachloride solution. This left a smoke trail in the sky, allowing winds aloft to be determined by optical measurement. Hundreds of Nike Smokes and two stage Nike-Nike Smokes were launched in the 1960's and 1970's.
Payload: 70 kg (154 lb) to a 23 km altitude.
More at: Nike.
| Nike Nike American sounding rocket. 2-4 stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Nike + 1 x Nike + upper stages. |
| Nike Nike HPAG American test vehicle. Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Nike + 1 x Nike + 1 x HPAG |
| Nike Nike T40 American test vehicle. Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Nike + 1 x Nike + 1 x T-40 |
| Nike Nike T40 T55 Four stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Nike + 1 x Nike + 1 x T-40 + 1 x T-55 |
| Nike Recruit American test vehicle. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Nike + 1 x Recruit |
| Nike T40 T55 American test vehicle. Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Nike + 1 x T-40 + 1 x T-55 |
Launch Sites:
Wallops Island,
White Sands LC33,
White Sands,
Cape Canaveral,
Poker Flat,
Fort Churchill,
Fort Churchill LC7,
Eglin A-15.
NASA Langley.
1953 October 23 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- Navaho Model test flight - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 1.00 km (0.60 mi). First single-stage Nike sounding rocket / test vehicle flight..
1954 February 3 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Navaho Model test flight - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1954 March 1 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- Navaho Model test flight - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 1.00 km (0.60 mi).
1954 September 23 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- F-101A Model test flight - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1954 September 24 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- F23 Ramjet test - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1954 October 14 - .
20:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike HPAG.
- Stability test - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1954 October 14 - .
21:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike T40 T55.
- Hypersonic Test re-entry vehicle test flight - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 352 km (218 mi).
1954 October 14 - .
22:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike T40.
- F40 Heat Transfer test - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 50 km (31 mi).
1955 January 5 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- F23 Ramjet test - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1955 January 12 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Wing drag model test flight - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1955 March 10 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- F-101A Model test flight - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1955 May 11 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- D22 Ramjet test - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1955 May 26 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- 10 deg nosecone test - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1955 June 23 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike T40 T55.
FAILURE: Failure.
- Heat Transfer Re-entry Vehicle test - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 30 km (18 mi).
1955 September 1 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- Navaho Model test flight - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 1.00 km (0.60 mi).
1955 October 7 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike T40 T55.
- Heat Transfer Re-entry Vehicle test - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 30 km (18 mi).
1955 December 14 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- B-58 Model test flight - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1956 May 9 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Avro Arrow Model test flight - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1956 May 15 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- F4H-1 Model test flight - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1956 May 15 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Avro Arrow Model test flight - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1956 June 7 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike.
- E41 model test flight - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi). First Nike Nike flight..
1956 June 7 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike T40 T55.
- Heat Transfer Re-entry Vehicle test - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
1956 September 10 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike T40 T55.
- Heat Transfer Re-entry Vehicle test - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1956 October 2 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- F4H-1 Model test flight - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1956 October 3 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- B-58 Model test flight - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1956 October 5 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Recruit.
- Heat Transfer Re-entry Vehicle test - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 4.00 km (2.40 mi).
1956 October 9 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- F23 Ramjet test - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1957 May 2 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Slender missile test - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1957 June 19 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- F4H-1 Model test flight - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1957 August 13 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Recruit.
- Heat Transfer Re-entry Vehicle test - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1957 October 10 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Recruit.
- Heat Transfer Re-entry Vehicle test - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1957 December 13 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike T40 T55.
- Heat Transfer Re-entry Vehicle test - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1958 March 24 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- F4H-1 Model test flight - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1958 September 8 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- E15 Model/Loki test - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1959 March 10 - .
19:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Eglin A-15.
Launch Vehicle:
- Cree III 28-1 - .
Nation: USA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1959 April 23 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Eglin A-15.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike.
- Cree III 29-2 - .
Nation: USA.
Apogee: 12 km (7 mi).
1959 June 18 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Recruit.
- Mercury model test flight - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1959 June 19 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Eglin A-15.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike.
- Cree III 30-3 - .
Nation: USA.
Apogee: 20 km (12 mi).
1959 July 10 - .
12:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Eglin A-15.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike.
- Cree III 31-4 - .
Nation: USA.
Apogee: 20 km (12 mi).
1959 August 4 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Recruit.
- Mercury model test flight - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1959 September 2 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Eglin A-15.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike.
- Cree III 32-5 - .
Nation: USA.
Apogee: 23 km (14 mi).
1959 September 21 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 12 km (7 mi).
1960 August 22 - .
17:06 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike.
- Cree II - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: USAF.
Apogee: 46 km (28 mi).
1960 September 8 - .
18:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 9.00 km (5.50 mi).
1960 September 23 - .
16:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 13 km (8 mi).
1960 November 21 - .
17:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike.
- Cree II - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: USAF.
Apogee: 33 km (20 mi).
1961 February 15 - .
18:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Smoke Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1961 April 6 - .
19:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Smoke Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 12 km (7 mi).
1961 April 7 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Recruit.
- Reentry Stability re-entry vehicle test flight - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1961 April 14 - .
15:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Smoke Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1961 April 14 - .
19:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Smoke Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 12 km (7 mi).
1961 May 2 - .
21:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Cone test - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1961 July 14 - .
16:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1961 July 14 - .
21:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1961 July 14 - .
21:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1961 October 24 - .
16:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 12 km (7 mi).
1961 November 22 - .
15:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 12 km (7 mi).
1962 January 16 - .
21:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1962 February 6 - .
19:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1962 April 4 - .
20:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 11 km (6 mi).
1962 May 4 - .
20:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 18 km (11 mi).
1962 May 4 - .
20:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 12 km (7 mi).
1962 May 4 - .
20:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 9.00 km (5.50 mi).
1962 May 5 - .
18:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1962 May 25 - .
17:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1962 August 8 - .
19:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1962 September 25 - .
20:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 11 km (6 mi).
1962 September 27 - .
08:08 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: USAF CRL.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1962 October 3 - .
20:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1962 October 8 - .
19:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1962 October 10 - .
20:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1962 October 19 - .
19:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1962 October 29 - .
20:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 13 km (8 mi).
1962 November 1 - .
20:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 13 km (8 mi).
1962 November 5 - .
21:03 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 21 km (13 mi).
1962 November 6 - .
20:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1962 November 13 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1962 November 16 - .
17:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 18 km (11 mi).
1962 November 16 - .
20:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 18 km (11 mi).
1962 December 4 - .
20:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1962 December 6 - .
21:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1962 December 10 - .
17:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1962 December 11 - .
20:47 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1962 December 13 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 19 km (11 mi).
1962 December 14 - .
19:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 18 km (11 mi).
1962 December 17 - .
20:26 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1962 December 18 - .
17:03 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1962 December 19 - .
17:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 18 km (11 mi).
1962 December 20 - .
19:47 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1962 December 21 - .
17:26 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1962 December 28 - .
18:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 21 km (13 mi).
1963 January 3 - .
19:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1963 January 3 - .
21:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 12 km (7 mi).
1963 January 4 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1963 January 9 - .
18:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1963 January 10 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 21 km (13 mi).
1963 January 11 - .
19:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1963 January 17 - .
21:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1963 January 18 - .
22:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1963 January 22 - .
19:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1963 January 28 - .
18:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1963 January 31 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1963 February 7 - .
17:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 22 km (13 mi).
1963 February 13 - .
18:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1963 February 20 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 18 km (11 mi).
1963 February 27 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1963 March 8 - .
19:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 20 km (12 mi).
1963 March 11 - .
21:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1963 March 12 - .
19:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1963 March 18 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1963 March 21 - .
19:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1963 March 22 - .
18:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1963 March 28 - .
18:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 21 km (13 mi).
1963 March 28 - .
20:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 19 km (11 mi).
1963 April 2 - .
19:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 13 km (8 mi).
1963 April 3 - .
19:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1963 April 5 - .
19:03 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1963 April 11 - .
20:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1963 April 12 - .
19:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 12 km (7 mi).
1963 April 15 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1963 April 16 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 21 km (13 mi).
1963 April 17 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1963 April 22 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 12 km (7 mi).
1963 April 25 - .
19:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 20 km (12 mi).
1963 April 25 - .
19:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1963 April 25 - .
19:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 11 km (6 mi).
1963 May 7 - .
20:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1963 May 8 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1963 May 14 - .
21:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1963 June 7 - .
19:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 13 km (8 mi).
1963 June 19 - .
20:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1963 July 1 - .
18:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1963 July 17 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1963 July 26 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 20 km (12 mi).
1963 July 31 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1963 August 7 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 19 km (11 mi).
1963 August 15 - .
23:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 20 km (12 mi).
1963 September 19 - .
20:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 20 km (12 mi).
1963 September 19 - .
21:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 20 km (12 mi).
1963 September 23 - .
18:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 19 km (11 mi).
1963 September 30 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 20 km (12 mi).
1963 October 1 - .
20:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 20 km (12 mi).
1963 October 1 - .
21:34 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 20 km (12 mi).
1963 October 4 - .
18:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 20 km (12 mi).
1963 October 9 - .
20:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 13 km (8 mi).
1963 October 11 - .
18:09 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 22 km (13 mi).
1963 October 15 - .
19:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1963 October 22 - .
19:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1963 October 30 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 18 km (11 mi).
1963 October 31 - .
20:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 19 km (11 mi).
1963 November 6 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 19 km (11 mi).
1963 November 12 - .
20:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 19 km (11 mi).
1963 November 13 - .
20:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 20 km (12 mi).
1963 November 15 - .
19:33 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 20 km (12 mi).
1963 November 21 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 19 km (11 mi).
1963 December 5 - .
20:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1963 December 20 - .
17:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1964 January 22 - .
18:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 18 km (11 mi).
1964 January 22 - .
20:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 22 km (13 mi).
1964 January 24 - .
19:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 18 km (11 mi).
1964 January 29 - .
19:19 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 20 km (12 mi).
1964 February 4 - .
18:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 19 km (11 mi).
1964 February 19 - .
21:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1964 February 20 - .
18:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 19 km (11 mi).
1964 February 26 - .
20:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1964 March 13 - .
18:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1964 March 13 - .
18:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 21 km (13 mi).
1964 March 17 - .
19:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1964 March 18 - .
18:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1964 March 20 - .
20:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1964 March 27 - .
19:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1964 March 31 - .
18:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1964 April 1 - .
18:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1964 April 3 - .
18:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 18 km (11 mi).
1964 April 9 - .
21:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 19 km (11 mi).
1964 April 13 - .
19:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 19 km (11 mi).
1964 April 17 - .
18:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1964 April 22 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1964 May 4 - .
18:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 18 km (11 mi).
1964 May 5 - .
17:34 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 18 km (11 mi).
1964 May 6 - .
18:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 19 km (11 mi).
1964 May 6 - .
18:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1964 May 19 - .
18:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 13 km (8 mi).
1964 May 20 - .
18:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1964 May 21 - .
18:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1964 May 22 - .
19:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1964 May 25 - .
20:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 18 km (11 mi).
1964 May 27 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1964 June 9 - .
19:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1964 June 10 - .
18:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1964 June 11 - .
18:34 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1964 June 12 - .
19:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1964 June 15 - .
19:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1964 June 17 - .
19:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1964 July 6 - .
19:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1964 July 15 - .
18:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1964 July 28 - .
18:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1964 July 29 - .
18:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 19 km (11 mi).
1964 July 30 - .
21:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1964 August 14 - .
22:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1964 August 19 - .
18:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1964 September 3 - .
18:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1964 September 4 - .
17:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1964 September 9 - .
17:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1964 September 15 - .
17:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 19 km (11 mi).
1964 September 25 - .
20:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 18 km (11 mi).
1964 October 13 - .
19:26 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 18 km (11 mi).
1964 October 22 - .
16:56 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 19 km (11 mi).
1964 October 30 - .
18:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1964 November 13 - .
20:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 19 km (11 mi).
1964 November 24 - .
18:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 18 km (11 mi).
1964 December 1 - .
20:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1964 December 8 - .
18:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 20 km (12 mi).
1965 January 5 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1965 January 14 - .
18:19 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1965 January 21 - .
18:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 18 km (11 mi).
1965 February 2 - .
19:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 11 km (6 mi).
1965 February 5 - .
20:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1965 March 11 - .
18:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1965 March 31 - .
18:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 12 km (7 mi).
1965 April 30 - .
19:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 23 km (14 mi).
1965 May 13 - .
18:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 11 km (6 mi).
1965 May 14 - .
15:41 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1965 May 18 - .
18:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1965 June 1 - .
18:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 13 km (8 mi).
1965 July 1 - .
17:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 19 km (11 mi).
1965 July 14 - .
18:09 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1965 July 21 - .
17:08 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1965 August 12 - .
19:57 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1965 September 23 - .
19:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 18 km (11 mi).
1965 October 5 - .
17:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1965 October 29 - .
18:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 13 km (8 mi).
1965 November 2 - .
15:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 12 km (7 mi).
1965 November 17 - .
20:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi).
1965 November 18 - .
18:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1965 November 23 - .
19:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 12 km (7 mi).
1965 November 30 - .
16:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1965 December 7 - .
18:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1966 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike.
- SPTV-9 Para test - .
Nation: USA.
Apogee: 4.00 km (2.40 mi).
1966? - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike.
- SPTV-8 Para test - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: SAND.
Apogee: 4.00 km (2.40 mi).
1966 January 11 - .
18:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1966 February 21 - .
18:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 22 km (13 mi).
1966 March 16 - .
20:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1966 March 17 - .
18:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 13 km (8 mi).
1966 July 22 - .
19:19 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1966 September 23 - .
19:51 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1966 October 7 - .
19:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 22 km (13 mi).
1966 October 11 - .
18:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 23 km (14 mi).
1966 October 28 - .
18:09 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 16 km (9 mi).
1967 February 15 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike.
- Parachute test - .
Nation: USA.
Apogee: 4.00 km (2.40 mi).
1967 October 5 - .
18:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 5.00 km (3.10 mi).
1967 October 5 - .
19:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 6.00 km (3.70 mi).
1967 November 17 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike.
- Parachute test - .
Nation: USA.
Apogee: 4.00 km (2.40 mi).
1968 June 12 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike.
- Parachute test - .
Nation: USA.
Apogee: 4.00 km (2.40 mi).
1968 August 22 - .
22:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Fort Churchill.
Launch Complex:
Fort Churchill LC7.
Launch Vehicle:
- Launcher test - .
Nation: Canada.
Agency: NRCC.
Apogee: 1.00 km (0.60 mi).
1969 March 27 - .
19:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1969 March 27 - .
19:47 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 14 km (8 mi).
1969 May 13 - .
17:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 18 km (11 mi).
1972 February 29 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Test mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 11 km (6 mi).
1975 March 27 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Test mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: Sandia.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1975 April 18 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- Test mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: Sandia.
Apogee: 0 km (0 mi).
1975 October 29 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Test mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: Sandia.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1975 October 31 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Test mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: Sandia.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1976 February 7 - .
00:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Poker Flat.
Launch Vehicle:
- GI-PFRR Launcher test - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: PFRR.
Apogee: 1.00 km (0.60 mi).
1976 June 9 - .
18:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Vehicle:
- Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 20 km (12 mi).
1977 November 19 - .
23:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Poker Flat.
Launch Vehicle:
- Test mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: Alaska.
Apogee: 1.00 km (0.60 mi). Final single-stage Nike sounding rocket / test vehicle flight..
1978 May 20 - .
09:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike.
- SMOKE Aeronomy release mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: USAF GL.
Apogee: 53 km (32 mi).
1978 May 22 - .
09:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike.
- SMOKE Aeronomy release mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: USAF GL.
Apogee: 54 km (33 mi).
1978 September 13 - .
00:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Fort Churchill.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike.
- SMOKE Aeronomy release mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: USAF GL.
Apogee: 45 km (27 mi).
1978 September 13 - .
11:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Fort Churchill.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike.
- SMOKE Aeronomy release mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: USAF GL.
Apogee: 45 km (27 mi).
1979 October 23 - .
23:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike.
- SMOKE Aeronomy / Chemical release mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: USAF GL.
Apogee: 50 km (31 mi).
1979 October 24 - .
23:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike.
- SMOKE Aeronomy / Chemical release mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: USAF GL.
Apogee: 50 km (31 mi).
1979 October 29 - .
23:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Nike.
- SMOKE Aeronomy / Chemical release mission - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: USAF GL.
Apogee: 50 km (31 mi). Final Nike Nike flight..
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