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Nova 8L
Part of Nova
 Nova NASA 8 F-1 Credit: © Mark Wade |
American heavy-lift orbital launch vehicle. Most capable NASA Nova design, studied in June 1960 just prior to selection of Saturn for moon landing. Used a three stage configuration of eight F-1 engines in stage 1, two M-1 engines in stage 2, and one J-2 engine in stage 3. Similar to the Saturn C-8 except in the use of M-1 engines. Unlike other modular Nova designs of the time, this one had the unitary stage construction of Saturn.
Status: Study 1960. Payload: 181,000 kg (399,000 lb). Thrust: 53,984.10 kN (12,136,108 lbf). Gross mass: 4,752,200 kg (10,476,800 lb). Height: 128.00 m (419.00 ft). Diameter: 17.40 m (57.00 ft). Apogee: 160 km (90 mi).
LEO Payload: 181,000 kg (399,000 lb) to a 160 km orbit. Payload: 68,000 kg (149,000 lb) to a translunar trajectory.
Stage Data - Nova 8L
- Stage 1. 1 x Nova 60-8-1. Gross Mass: 3,628,000 kg (7,998,000 lb). Empty Mass: 227,000 kg (500,000 lb). Thrust (vac): 61,928.000 kN (13,921,968 lbf). Isp: 304 sec. Burn time: 161 sec. Isp(sl): 265 sec. Diameter: 17.40 m (57.00 ft). Span: 18.00 m (59.00 ft). Length: 41.20 m (135.10 ft). Propellants: Lox/Kerosene. No Engines: 8. Engine: F-1. Status: Study NASA June 1960. Comments: Mass estimated based on total LV weight.
- Stage 2. 1 x Nova 60-8-2. Gross Mass: 680,000 kg (1,490,000 lb). Empty Mass: 54,000 kg (119,000 lb). Thrust (vac): 10,669.000 kN (2,398,486 lbf). Isp: 428 sec. Burn time: 242 sec. Isp(sl): 310 sec. Diameter: 11.60 m (38.00 ft). Span: 11.60 m (38.00 ft). Length: 35.10 m (115.10 ft). Propellants: Lox/LH2. No Engines: 2. Engine: M-1. Status: Study 1960. Comments: Mass estimated based on total LV weight. J-2-powered version of this stage also proposed.
- Stage 3. 1 x Nova 60-8-3. Gross Mass: 227,000 kg (500,000 lb). Empty Mass: 23,000 kg (50,000 lb). Thrust (vac): 892.000 kN (200,529 lbf). Isp: 425 sec. Burn time: 941 sec. Isp(sl): 306 sec. Diameter: 6.70 m (21.90 ft). Span: 6.70 m (21.90 ft). Length: 30.50 m (100.00 ft). Propellants: Lox/LH2. No Engines: 1. Engine: J-2. Status: Study 1960. Comments: Mass estimated based on total LV weight.
orbital launch vehicle.
Nova 60-8-1,
Nova 60-8-2,
Nova 60-8-3.
Photo Gallery
 | Nova Concepts - NASA Credit: © Mark Wade |
1962 April 24 - .
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Launch Vehicle:
Nova 8L.
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