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Part of X-Prize
 Orizont |
Romanian manned spacecraft. Study 2004. X-Prize suborbital ballistic spacecraft concept of Aeronautics and Cosmonautics Romanian Association. Reached the stage of engineering tests by 2003.
Status: Study 2004. Gross mass: 7,000 kg (15,400 lb). Height: 14.00 m (45.00 ft). Diameter: 1.40 m (4.50 ft).
Orizont was a concept of Aeronautics and Cosmonautics Romanian Association (ARCA) of Rimnicu Vilcea, Romania, under a team led by Dimitru Popescu . The concept used a rocket powered vertical takeoff and parachute descent on water landing:. The Orizont vehicle was extremely simple to ensure a high reliability and low production cost. The vehicle was to take-off vertically, from a launch pad and accelerate to a speed of about 1,300 m/s. At 40 km the engine was to be shut down, and the vehicle would continue to coast to an altitude above 100 km. The acceleration was to be no greater than 3.5G. The crew capsule separated from the launch vehicle at an altitude of 80 km. The landings of the rocket and capsule of the Orizont vehicle were made separately. Both had a parachute recovery system suitable for splashdown at sea. The main parachutes were to be deployed at an altitude of 4 km. Helicopters would recover both the capsule and rocket. The occupants would stay in the capsule until the helicopter had returned it to land.
Manned spacecraft,
2001 June 1 - .
- Orizont tank pressuization test. - .
Nation: Romania.
Program: X-Prize.
Spacecraft Bus: X-Prize.
Spacecraft: Orizont.
ARCA (Ramnicu Valcea, Romania) successfully performs pressurization tests of fuel and oxidizer tanks, achieving maximum pressures of 30 bars..
2002 May 1 - .
- Orizont test stand construction. - .
Nation: Romania.
Program: X-Prize.
Spacecraft Bus: X-Prize.
Spacecraft: Orizont.
ARCA (Ramnicu Valcea, Romania) completed rocket engine test stand construction and cold flow calibration tests. Series of successful hot-fire tests accomplished..
2004 April 1 - .
- Hydrogen peroxide engine for Orizont tested. - .
Nation: Romania.
Program: X-Prize.
Spacecraft Bus: X-Prize.
Spacecraft: Orizont.
Tthe system tested, at 35% of full thrust, was the world's first reusable monopropellant propulsion system constructed from composite materials and the most powerful Romanian liquid fuel engine ever tested..
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