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Pace, Frank
 Pace Credit: NASA |
American manager, Secretary of the Army, 1950-1953, president of General Dynamics 1953-1962. During his tenure General Dynamics acquired Convair and other companies and became a leading defense and space contractor.
Born: 1912-07-05. Died: 1988-01-08.
Frank Pace, Jr. was president of General Dynamics, Inc from 1953-1962. Previously he had been Secretary of the Army, 1950-1953, and had held several other key posts in the Truman administration during the latter 1940s. From 1968-1972 he served as Chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
1912 July 5 - .
- Birth of Frank Pace - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Pace.
American manager, Secretary of the Army, 1950-1953, president of General Dynamics 1953-1962. During his tenure General Dynamics acquired Convair and other companies and became a leading defense and space contractor..
1988 January 8 - .
- Death of Frank Pace at Greenwich, Fairfield, CT. - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Pace.
American manager, Secretary of the Army, 1950-1953, president of General Dynamics 1953-1962. During his tenure General Dynamics acquired Convair and other companies and became a leading defense and space contractor..
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