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Prokopov, Nikolai Afansyevich
 Prokopov |
Russian officer, Deputy Chief Third Directorate of GURVO, 1960. Service in WW2; part of special team sent to Germany in 1946 to secure rocket technology. Active in overseeing development of liquid rocket technology. Died in Nedelin disaster.
Born: 1921. Died: 1960-10-24.
1960 October 24 - .
- Death of Nikolai Afansyevich Prokopov - .
Nation: Russia.
Related Persons: Prokopov.
Russian officer, Deputy Chief Third Directorate of GURVO, 1960. Service in WW2; part of special team sent to Germany in 1946 to secure rocket technology. Active in overseeing development of liquid rocket technology. Died in Nedelin disaster..
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