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Quayle, J Danforth 'Dan'
 Quayle Credit: NASA |
American politician, Vice President 1989-1993, headed National Space Council, involved in development of space station and its conversion from a national to an international projects.
Born: 1947-02-04.
J. Danforth (Dan) Quayle served as a Republican Senator from Indiana before becoming George Bush's Vice President from 1989-1993. As Vice President, he chaired the National Space Council and had significant involvement with the development of the Space Station, Space Shuttle replacement options, the Space Exploration Initiative, and NASA management.
1947 February 4 - .
- Birth of J Danforth 'Dan' Quayle. - .
Related Persons: Quayle.
American politician, Vice President 1989-1993, headed National Space Council, involved in development of space station and its conversion from a national to an international projects..
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