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Radio Test Spacecraft
 Mercury-Scout 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
American tracking network technology satellite. Mercury-Scout 1. Small satellite was to have verified the readiness of the worldwide Mercury tracking network
Status: Operational 1961. First Launch: 1961-11-01. Last Launch: 1961-11-01. Number: 1 .
More at: Mercury-ms.
Tracking network technology satellite.
Launch Vehicles:
Scout A,
Blue Scout II.
Launch Sites:
Cape Canaveral,
Cape Canaveral LC18B.
1961 May 5 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Scout A.
- Scout to evaluate the Mercury tracking system. - .
Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Radio Test Spacecraft,
A document was issued regarding use of a Scout test vehicle to evaluate the performance of the Mercury tracking and real-time computing system. NASA Headquarters tentatively approved the plan on May 24, 1961..
1961 June 13 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Scout A.
- Mercury-Scout instrumentation system. - .
Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Radio Test Spacecraft,
The Space Task Group forwarded to NASA Headquarters the details for the Mercury-Scout instrumentation system. This mission was to check the operational effectiveness of the Mercury global tracking network..
1961 October 29 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Scout A.
- Mercury-Scout announcement - .
Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Radio Test Spacecraft,
An announcement was made that a Mercury-Scout launch would be made to verify the readiness of the world-wide Mercury Tracking network to handle further orbital flights..
1961 October 29 - .
- Mercury-Scout launch announced. - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Tracking network technology satellite. Spacecraft: Radio Test Spacecraft,
NASA announced that first Mercury-Scout launch to verify the readiness of the worldwide Mercury tracking network would take place at Atlantic Missile Range..
1961 November 1 - .
15:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC18B.
Launch Pad: LC18B.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Blue Scout II.
FAILURE: Failure.
Failed Stage: U.
- Mercury MS-1 - .
Payload: Radio Test Spacecraft. Nation: USA.
Agency: USAF.
Class: Technology.
Type: Tracking network technology satellite. Spacecraft: Radio Test Spacecraft,
Small satellite was to have verified the readiness of the worldwide Mercury tracking network. An attempt was made to launch Mercury-Scout 1 (MS-1) into orbit with a communications package further to qualify the radar tracking of the Mercury global network prior to manned orbital flight. Shortly after lift-off, the launch vehicle developed erratic motions and attending high aerodynamic loads, and was destroyed by the Range Safety Officer after 43 seconds of flight. No further attempts were planned. The Mercury-Atlas 4 (MA-4) mission and the successful Mercury-Atlas 5 (MA-5), flown on November 29, 1961, disclosed that the network met all requirements.
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