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Reshetnev, Mikhail Fedorovich
 Reshetnev |
Russian engineer. Chief Designer and General Designer 1961-1996 of OKB-10, primary Soviet designer of communications and navigation satellites.
Born: 1924-11-10. Died: 1996-01-26.
Chief Designer and General Designer 1961-1996 of OKB-10. Led work on communications satellites and was a Korolev protégé.
Reshetnev was assigned a Filial of Korolev's OKB-1 at Plant 1001 in Krasnoyarsk on June 4, 1959. He was tasked with development of the Soviet Union's first communications satellite, the Molniya. In December 1961 the Filial was upgraded to an independent OKB-10 with Reshetnev at its head. He went on to become the primary Soviet designer of communications and navigation satellites. He made one foray into launch vehicle integration in the 1960's (the Kosmos-1 / 65S3).
| Reshetnev bureau Russian manufacturer of launch vehicles and spacecraft, Krasnoyarsk-26/Zhelenogorsk, Russia. |
1924 November 10 - .
- Birth of Mikhail Fedorovich Reshetnev - .
Nation: Russia.
Related Persons: Reshetnev.
Russian engineer. Chief Designer and General Designer 1961-1996 of OKB-10, primary Soviet designer of communications and navigation satellites..
1996 January 26 - .
- Death of Mikhail Fedorovich Reshetnev - .
Nation: Russia.
Related Persons: Reshetnev.
Russian engineer. Chief Designer and General Designer 1961-1996 of OKB-10, primary Soviet designer of communications and navigation satellites..
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