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 RL-10 Credit: Lockheed Martin |
Pratt and Whitney LOx/LH2 rocket engine family. First flight 1961. Originally planned for use in Centaur upper stage for Atlas, but earliest successful flights in Saturn IV stage for Saturn I. Throttleable version designed for direct-landing Apollo mission, but cancelled. Sea-level version used in DC-X SSTO test vehicle. Numerous developed versions used in Atlas, Atlas V, Delta IV upper stages. Only production American upper-stage LOx/LH2 engine. Specifications are for early version as proposed for Nova A, Nova B, Saturn B-1, Saturn C-2, Saturn C-3, Saturn I. First flight 1961.
Number: 60 . Thrust: 66.70 kN (14,995 lbf). Unfuelled mass: 131 kg (288 lb). Specific impulse: 410 s. Specific impulse sea level: 10 s. Burn time: 482 s. Diameter: 0.92 m (3.00 ft).
Engine: 131 kg (288 lb). Chamber Pressure: 24.00 bar. Area Ratio: 40. Thrust to Weight Ratio: 45. Coefficient of Thrust vacuum: 1.76.
 | RL-10A-1 Pratt and Whitney LOx/LH2 rocket engine. Version used on Atlas Centaur LV-3C, and proposed for various early Saturn launch vehicle designs. First flight 1961. |
 | RL-10A-3 Pratt and Whitney LOx/LH2 rocket engine. First flight 1967. |
 | RL-10A-3A Pratt and Whitney LOx/LH2 rocket engine. Used on Centaur stage atop Atlas G, Atlas I, Atlas II, Titan 4. First flight 1984. |
 | RL-10A-4 Pratt and Whitney LOx/LH2 rocket engine. Out of production. Centaur stage for Atlas IIA, Atlas IIAS. First flight 1992. |
 | RL-10A-4-1 Pratt and Whitney LOx/LH2 rocket engine. Out of production. Used on Atlas IIIA launch vehicle. First flight 2000. Version with one of engines removed; remaining engine re-positioned to center-mount; new electro-mechanical gimbals. |
 | RL-10A-4-2 Pratt and Whitney LOx/LH2 rocket engine. In production. Used on Atlas IIIB launch vehicle. First flight 2002. Two engines; electro-mechanical thrust vector control actuators replaced earlier hydraulically actuated system. |
| RL-10A-5 Pratt and Whitney LOx/LH2 rocket engine. Throttleable to 30% of thrust, sea level version of RL10. Four engines were built and were used on the DC-X and the upgraded DC-XA VTOVL SSTO launch vehicle demonstrators. First flight 1993. |
| RL-10A-5KA Pratt and Whitney LOx/LH2 rocket engine. Kistler proposal. Design 1992. Throttleable to 30% of thrust, sea level version of RL10 with extendable nozzle for high altitude operation. |
 | RL-10B-2 Pratt and Whitney LOx/LH2 rocket engine. In production. Used on Delta 3 , Delta IV launch vehicles. First flight 1998. Extendable exit cone for increased specific impulse; electromechanical actuators replace hydraulic systems. |
| RL-10B-X Pratt and Whitney LOx/LH2 rocket engine. Design concept 1994. |
| RL-10C Pratt and Whitney LOx/LH2 rocket engine. In Production. Used in Delta 3 - 2. First flight 1998. |
| RL-10C-X Pratt and Whitney LOx/LH2 rocket engine. Design concept 1994. |
Launch Vehicles:
Saturn C-2,
Saturn B-1,
Nova B,
Nova A,
Saturn C-3,
Saturn I.
Saturn IV,
Nova A-3,
Nova B-3.
Pratt and Whitney.
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