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Saturn IV
 J-2 Credit: © Mark Wade |
LOx/LH2 propellant rocket stage. Configuration as flown.
Status: Flown 1961. Thrust: 400.35 kN (90,001 lbf). Gross mass: 50,576 kg (111,500 lb). Unfuelled mass: 5,217 kg (11,501 lb). Specific impulse: 410 s. Burn time: 482 s. Height: 12.19 m (39.99 ft). Diameter: 5.49 m (18.01 ft). Span: 5.49 m (18.01 ft).
Cost $ : 43.500 million. No Engines: 6.
| Nova A-3 LOx/LH2 propellant rocket stage. . |
| Nova B-3 LOx/LH2 propellant rocket stage. . |
| Saturn IVB LOx/LH2 propellant rocket stage. Configuration as flown on Saturn V. |
| Saturn IVB C-3B LOx/LH2 propellant rocket stage. Final common third stage design for Saturn C-3B (November 1961). |
| Saturn IVB C-5A LOx/LH2 propellant rocket stage. Final common third stage design for Saturn C-4 and C-5 (November 1961). Developed into Saturn V second stage. After development started, decision taken to boost performance by increasing diameter to 6.61 m and increasing propellant load. |
| Saturn SA-5 Vehicle evaluation, instrumented second stage satellite operated by NASA, USA. Launched 1964. |
| Saturn SA-6, 7 Vehicle evaluation, instrumented second stage satellite operated by NASA, USA. Launched 1964. |
| Saturn IVB-A LOx/LH2 propellant rocket stage. Douglas Studies, 1965: S-IVB with 215k lbf J-1 (actual final model had 230k J-1). |
| Saturn MS-IVB-1 LOx/LH2 propellant rocket stage. Marshall studies, 1965: S-IVB structurally strengthened to handle larger payloads, otherwise unchanged. |
 | Saturn MS-IVB-2 LOx/LH2 propellant rocket stage. Douglas Studies, 1965: S-IVB with 315 k high pressure 3000 psia engine, 350,000 pounds propellant. |
| Saturn MS-IVB-x LOx/LH2 propellant rocket stage. Marshall studies, 1965: S-IVB structurally strengthened to handle larger payloads, otherwise unchanged. |
| SASSTO stage LOx/LH2 propellant rocket stage. Recoverable S-IVB with plug nozzle engine. 36 x plug-nozzle engines (102 atm chamber pressure, 6:1 mixture ratio). |
| Saturn IVB (S-IB) LOx/LH2 propellant rocket stage. Saturn IB version of S-IVB stage. Due to lower payload, 300 kg saving in structure compared to Saturn V version. Due to deletion of restart requirement, 700 kg saving in propulsion system (primarily reduction in helium for restart). |
| Saturn MS-IVB-1A LOx/LH2 propellant rocket stage. S-IVB with 16.5 foot stretch, 350,000 pounds propellant, standard J-2 engine. |
| Saturn MS-IVB-3B LOx/LH2 propellant rocket stage. S-IVB with 16.5 foot stretch, 350,000 pounds propellant, 1 400,000 pound thrust toroidal engine. |
| Saturn MS-IVB-4(S)B LOx/LH2 propellant rocket stage. Standard S-IVB but with structural strength increased from 78% to 217% depending on station, resulting in 11.8% increase in empty weight. |
| Saturn IVB (S-V) LOx/LH2 propellant rocket stage. Saturn V version of S-IVB stage for use with upper stage. |
Launch Vehicles:
Saturn C-2,
Saturn B-1,
Saturn C-3,
Saturn C-1,
Saturn I Blk2,
Saturn I.
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