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Roberts, Walter O
 Roberts Credit: NASA |
American astronomer, heavily involved in the debate over "nuclear winter" and the possibility of the "Greenhouse Effect" on the Earth in 1980s.
Born: 1915. Died: 1990-01-01.
Walter O. Roberts was an astronomer at the University of Colorado's High Altitude Observatory. He was also instrumental in the creation of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in 1960, and directed the program on food, climate, and the world's future for the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, 1974-1981. He was heavily involved in the debate over "nuclear winter" and the possibility of the "Greenhouse Effect" on the Earth in 1980s.
1990 January 1 - .
- Death of Walter O Roberts. - .
Related Persons: Roberts, Walter.
American astronomer, heavily involved in the debate over "nuclear winter" and the possibility of the "Greenhouse Effect" on the Earth in 1980s..
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