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Part of Russian Rocket Fighters
 RP-318 Rocketplane |
Russian manned rocketplane. Korolev adapted his SK-9 glider in 1936 as the first rocked-powered aircraft in the Soviet Union.
Status: Operational 1936. Thrust: 1.37 kN (308 lbf). Gross mass: 700 kg (1,540 lb). Unfuelled mass: 625 kg (1,377 lb). Height: 7.44 m (24.40 ft). Span: 17.00 m (55.00 ft).
It was originally to be used to flight test Glushko's ORM-65 engine, but this proved too unreliable for manned flight. Glushko developed an improved ORM-65-2 but in the 1938 he and Korolev were arrested and sent to the Gulag in Siberia to die. The work was carried on by others with delays, and the first powered flight finally came on 28 February 1940. Test pilot V P Fedorov was towed to 2600 m and cast off at 80 km/hr. The RDA-1 rocket then fired its RFNA/Kerosene engine and accelerated the aircraft to 140 m/s and 2900 m altitude. The RP-318 flew nine times before the war ended the work.
Crew Size: 1.
Nitric acid/Kerosene.
Korolev bureau.
1940 February 28 - .
- First powered flight of the RP-318 rocketplane. - .
Nation: Russia.
Spacecraft Bus: Russian Rocket Fighters.
Spacecraft: RP-318.
Test pilot V P Fedorov was towed to 2600 m and cast off at 80 km/hr. The rocket then fired and accelerated the aircraft to 140 m/s and 2900 m altitude. The RP-318 flew nine times before the war ended the work..
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