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Sandys, Duncan
 Sandys Credit: NASA |
British Politician.Son-in-law of Winston Churchiil. His 1957 Defence White Paper resulted in the Royal Air Force ending the use of fighter aircraft in favor of missile technology. Though later reversed the policy, the lost orders and cuts in research were responsible for the virtual destruction of the British aerospace industry and technology base.
Born: 1908-01-24. Died: 1987-11-26.
1908 January 24 - .
- Birth of Duncan Sandys. - .
Related Persons: Sandys.
British Politician. Son-in-law of Winston Churchiil. His 1957 Defence White Paper resulted in the Royal Air Force ending the use of fighter aircraft in favor of missile technology. Though later reversed the policy, the lost orders and cuts in research were responsible for the virtual destruction of the British aerospace industry and technology base.
1987 November 26 - .
- Death of Duncan Sandys. - .
Related Persons: Sandys.
British Politician.Son-in-law of Winston Churchiil. His 1957 Defence White Paper resulted in the Royal Air Force ending the use of fighter aircraft in favor of missile technology. Though later reversed the policy, the lost orders and cuts in research were responsible for the virtual destruction of the British aerospace industry and technology base.
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