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 SCD-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
Brazilian communications technology satellite. Environmental data relay. Data collection and relay satellite for INPE, Brazil. Launched 1997-1998.
AKA: Satelite de Coleta de Dados. Status: Operational 1993. First Launch: 1993-02-09. Last Launch: 1998-10-23. Number: 3 . Gross mass: 110 kg (240 lb).
The SCD (Satelite de Coleta de Dados - Data Collection Satellite) was a Brazilian satellite designed for the collection of meteorological data relayed by data collection platforms spread throughout the Brazilian territory. It was launched by Orbital Science Corporation Pegasus launch vehicles or Brazil's indigenous VLS launcher.
More at: SCD.
| SCD 1 Data collection and relay satellite for INPE, Brazil. Launched 1993. |
| SCD 3 Data collection and relay satellite for INPE, Brazil. |
Communications technology sat,
Medium earth orbit,
Launch Vehicles:
Pegasus H,
Launch Sites:
Mayport DZ,
Alcantara VLS.
Photo Gallery
 | SCD-2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | SCD 3 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
1993 February 9 - .
14:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Mayport DZ.
Launch Pad: 29.0 N x 78.3 W.
Launch Platform: NB-52 008.
Launch Vehicle:
- SCD-1 - .
Payload: SCD 1 / Orbcomm CDS. Mass: 115 kg (253 lb). Nation: Brazil.
Agency: INPE.
Class: Communications.
Type: Civilian communications satellite. Spacecraft: SCD.
USAF Sat Cat: 22490 . COSPAR: 1993-009B. Apogee: 793 km (492 mi). Perigee: 729 km (452 mi). Inclination: 25.00 deg. Period: 100.10 min. Environmental data relay. The SCD-1 (Data Collection Satellite 1) was a Brazilian satellite designed for the collection of meteorological data relayed by data collection platforms spread throughout the Brazilian territory. Air dropped in Mayport DZ..
1997 November 2 - .
12:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Alcantara VLS.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Destroyed during launch..
Failed Stage: 1.
- SCD-2A - .
Mass: 115 kg (253 lb). Nation: Brazil.
Agency: AEB.
Manufacturer: INPE.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: SCD.
Apogee: 3.00 km (1.80 mi). The SCD-2A (Data Collection Satellite 2A) was a Brazilian satellite designed for the collection of meteorological data relayed by data collection platforms spread throughout the Brazilian territory..
1998 October 23 - .
00:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Mayport DZ.
Launch Pad: 29.0 N x 78.3 W.
Launch Platform: L-1011.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Pegasus H.
- SCD-2 - .
Mass: 110 kg (240 lb). Nation: Brazil.
Agency: McLean.
Manufacturer: INPE.
Class: Communications.
Type: Civilian communications satellite. Spacecraft: SCD.
USAF Sat Cat: 25504 . COSPAR: 1998-060A. Apogee: 760 km (470 mi). Perigee: 736 km (457 mi). Inclination: 25.00 deg. Period: 99.80 min.
Brazil's SCD-2 satellite was aboard Orbital Science's L-1011 Stargazer aircraft when it took off from the Cape Canaveral Air Station's Skid Strip (Runway 02/20, 28.2N 80.6W) at 23:05 GMT on Oct 22 and flew to the drop zone near Cape Canaveral (in the Mayport, Florida, Warning Area) at 29.0N 78.3W. The Pegasus ignited 5 seconds after drop. The first stage carried a NASA experiment attached to its right wing, to study hypersonic boundary layer separation. The 115 kg Satelite de Coleta de Dados (Data Collection Satellite) relays data from environmental monitoring stations. Air dropped in Mayport DZ.
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