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Seaborg, Glenn T
 Seaborg Credit: NASA |
American physicist, chair of the Atomic Energy Commission 1961-1971.
Born: 1912-04-19. Died: 1999-02-25.
Glenn T. Seaborg earned a Ph.D. in physics from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1937 and worked on the Manhattan Project in Chicago during World War II. Afterward, he became associate director of Berkeley's Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, where he and associates isolated several transuranic elements. For this work Seaborg received the Nobel Prize in 1951. He also served as chair of the Atomic Energy Commission between 1961 and 1971, and thereafter returned to the faculty of the University of California, Berkeley.
1912 April 19 - .
- Birth of Glenn T Seaborg - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Seaborg.
American physicist, chair of the Atomic Energy Commission 1961-1971..
1999 February 25 - .
- Death of Glenn T Seaborg - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Seaborg.
American physicist, chair of the Atomic Energy Commission 1961-1971..
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