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 SEDS 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space, USA. Built tether technology satellite. Technology satellite operated by NASA, USA. Launched 1993 - 1994.
AKA: Small Expendable-tether Deployer System.. Status: Operational 1993. First Launch: 1993-03-30. Last Launch: 1994-03-10. Number: 4 . Gross mass: 25 kg (55 lb).
More at: SEDS.
Tether technology satellite.
Launch Vehicles:
Delta 2 7000,
Delta 7925.
Launch Sites:
Cape Canaveral,
Cape Canaveral LC17A.
1993 March 30 - .
03:09 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC17A.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Delta 7925.
- SEDS 1 - .
Payload: SEDS 1 End Mass/Tether. Mass: 25 kg (55 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA Huntsville.
Class: Technology.
Type: Tether technology satellite. Spacecraft: SEDS.
Decay Date: 1993-03-30 . USAF Sat Cat: 22582 . COSPAR: 1993-017B. Apogee: 719 km (446 mi). Perigee: 183 km (113 mi). Inclination: 36.00 deg. Period: 93.62 min. Small Expendable-tether Deployer System. .
- SEDS 1 Deployer - .
Payload: SEDS 1 Deployer. Mass: 25 kg (55 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: MDAC.
Program: Navstar.
Spacecraft: SEDS.
Decay Date: 1999-05-05 . USAF Sat Cat: 22583 . COSPAR: 1993-017C. Apogee: 1,292 km (802 mi). Perigee: 305 km (189 mi). Inclination: 36.10 deg. Period: 100.84 min.
1994 March 10 - .
03:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC17A.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Delta 7925.
- SEDS 2 Deployer - .
Payload: SEDS 2 Deployer. Mass: 25 kg (55 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: MDAC.
Program: Navstar.
Spacecraft: SEDS.
Decay Date: 1994-05-08 . USAF Sat Cat: 23028 . COSPAR: 1994-016B. Apogee: 341 km (211 mi). Perigee: 340 km (210 mi). Inclination: 32.30 deg. Period: 91.34 min.
- SEDS 2 - .
Payload: SEDS 2 End Mass. Mass: 25 kg (55 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: MDSSC.
Program: Navstar.
Spacecraft: SEDS.
COSPAR: 1994-016xx.
1998 October 24 - .
12:08 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC17A.
Launch Pad: SLC17A.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Delta 7326-9.5.
- SEDSAT 1 - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: Boeing.
Manufacturer: SEDS.
Program: STS.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: SEDSAT.
USAF Sat Cat: 25509 . COSPAR: 1998-061B. Apogee: 1,050 km (650 mi). Perigee: 544 km (338 mi). Inclination: 31.40 deg. Period: 100.80 min.
Following separation of the third stage and the primary Deep Space 1 payload, the Delta second stage manoeuvred from its 185 km parking orbit to a 174 km x 2744 km x 28.5 degree orbit. It then released the SEDSAT micro-satellite, built by the Huntsville, Alabama chapter of SEDS (the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space). SEDSAT has two amateur radio transponders and an earth imaging camera.
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