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 Servis |
Japanese technology satellite. Technology satellite built by Mitsubishi Electric (MELCO) for METI, NEDO, USEF, Japan. Launched 2003 - 2010.
Status: Operational 2003. First Launch: 2003-10-30. Last Launch: 2010-06-02. Number: 2 . Gross mass: 980 kg (2,160 lb).
The Space Environment Reliability Verification Integrated System (SERVIS) project was to verify Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) parts and technologies in the severe space environment so that they could be utilized for space applications, establishing COTS evaluation guidelines and equipment design guidelines to utilize COTS.
The SERVIS project started in 1999 and was to continue until 2007. During this period, two verification satellites were to be launched, in FY2002 and 2005 respectively.
The entire project consisted of four parts:
- Building and launching two SERVIS space verification satellite buses;
- Ground evaluation test for various COTS, including radiation test;
- Development of advanced satellite equipment utilizing COTS for space verification;
- Development of "Virtual Integration" network infrastructure.
SERVIS 1 Satellite Bus Summary
- Launch: Fiscal Year 2002
- Lift off Weight: not exceeding 1000kg
- Orbit: Altitude 1000km, Inclination 100deg.
- Size: Height approx. 2.3m Length approx. 10.3m (including solar panels)
- Power: 1200 watts
- Operating Life: 2 years
- Control Center: USEF Satellite Operation Center (USOC) in Tokyo
- Systems:
- Radiation Environment Monitoring System: Monitors the ambient environment caused by cosmic rays, solar flares, and the Van Allen Radiation Belt.
- COTS Parts Evaluation System: This contained commercial semiconductor components and would monitor radiation effects such as degradation and single event effect. Such test data would be obtained and evaluated, to establish a Parts Test Guideline and an Equipment Design Guideline.
- Experimental Subsystem utilizing COTS: Advanced bus components using COTS and commercial technologies in order to verify onboard SERVIS satellite bus. Those components were utilizing most advanced commercial parts to realize very sophisticated commercial technology. This included:
- Low Cost Propellant Tank
- Integrated Navigation Subsystem
- Integrated Power Control Subsystem
- Advanced Paddle Drive Mechanism
- Advanced TT&C Transponder
- On Board Computer
- Star Tracker Integrated Satellite System Controller
- Lithium Ion Battery System
- Optical Fiber Laser Gyro Subsystem
More at: SERVIS.
Technology satellite.
Launch Vehicles:
Launch Sites:
Plesetsk LC133/3.
Photo Gallery
 | Servis-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
2003 October 30 - .
13:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Plesetsk LC133/3.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Servis-1 - .
Mass: 840 kg (1,850 lb). Nation: Japan.
Agency: USEF.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: SERVIS.
USAF Sat Cat: 28060 . COSPAR: 2003-050A. Apogee: 1,016 km (631 mi). Perigee: 984 km (611 mi). Inclination: 99.50 deg. Period: 105.10 min.
The mission of the 'Space Environment Reliability Verification of Integrated System' was to flight test a
range of commerical-grade spacecraft components including a computer, star tracker, battery, and laser gyro. The objective was to lower the cost of future satellites.
2010 June 2 - .
01:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Plesetsk LC133/3.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Servis 2 - .
Mass: 900 kg (1,980 lb). Nation: Japan.
Agency: KVR.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Servis.
USAF Sat Cat: 36588 . COSPAR: 2010-023A. Apogee: 1,212 km (753 mi). Perigee: 1,185 km (736 mi). Inclination: 100.40 deg. Period: 109.40 min. Space Environment Reliability Verification Integrated System to test usability of off-the-shelf commercial components in place of space-qualified hardware..
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