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Star 63
Thiokol solid rocket engine. Used in Shuttle, Titan 34D. Used on Delta 7925 launch vehicle. First flight 1990.
AKA: PAM-D2. Status: Active. Number: 104 . Thrust: 107.20 kN (24,100 lbf). Gross mass: 3,697 kg (8,150 lb). Unfuelled mass: 431 kg (950 lb). Specific impulse: 282 s. Burn time: 120 s. Height: 1.83 m (6.00 ft). Diameter: 1.60 m (5.20 ft).
Area Ratio: 27.33.
 | Star 63D Thiokol solid rocket engine. In Production. Perigee motor with a range of propellant loads, yielding GTO payloads from 3,080 to 4,588 pounds at a constant velocity of 8,012 feet per second. |
 | Star 63F Thiokol solid rocket engine. In Production. Provided perigee kick for the McDonnell PAM-D2 system. Another version was the Star 63D (TU-936). |
Launch Vehicles:
Delta 7925,
Delta 7925-10L.
Star 63.
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