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TsPK-4 astronaut group, 1967
Part of Astronaut Selection Groups
Requirement: engineers for planned Soyuz and Almaz flights. In 1968-1975 the VVS expected no fewer than 20 Almaz space stations, 50 military 7K-VI missions, 200 Soyuz training spacecraft flights and 400 Soyuz space transport flights.
AKA: TsPK-4. Date: 1967.
More at: TsPK-4 astronaut group, 1967.
 | Porvatkin Russian engineer cosmonaut, 1967-1983. Graduated from Technical Air Force School, 1952. Graduated from Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy, Monino, 1960. Cosmonaut training May 1967 - 18 August 1967. Worked at NPO Energia. |
 | Burdayev Russian engineer cosmonaut 1967-1983. Graduated from Air Force Engineering Academy, doctorate degree, 1987. Cosmonaut training from May 1967 - 18 August 1969. Worked as trainer at the Gagarin Center. Professor in space ballistics from 1994. |
 | Alekseyev Russian engineer cosmonaut, 1967-1983. |
 | Gaidukov Russian navigator cosmonaut, 1967-1978. Retired due to medical reasons (injured during parachute training). Worked as an engineer until 1988, when he retired from all work for medical reasons. |
 | Sologub Russian navigator cosmonaut, 1967-1968. |
 | Isakov Russian navigator cosmonaut, 1967-1983. |
 | Lyakhov Russian pilot cosmonaut 1967-1994. |
 | Pisarev Russian pilot cosmonaut, 1967-1968. |
 | Malyshev Russian pilot cosmonaut 1967-1988. |
 | Kozelsky Russian pilot cosmonaut, 1967-1983. Graduated from Kachinsk, 1963; Monino, 1981. Later Deputy Mir Flight Director. Retired in 1992. |
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